This is going to be the best weekend ever. Friday is Halloween, which will probably involve going into Manhattan dressed as a pirate and watching scary movies. THEN Saturday is November 1st, the start of my favorite fall writing challenge and ALSO I have a ticket to see
How to Be that night. Sunday is a write-in with all my on-campus friends who are going to do NaNo with me. EEEEEE! I've never had RL friends to do NaNo with. This is going to be the best November ever.
I had to explain NaNoWriMo to my writing workshop class today because my teacher rattled off a bunch of extra responsibilities we're going to have to take on this month and then she said "So November's going to be a little crazy!" and I was all "Like it wasn't go to be already with NaNoWriMo!" Because I have NO FILTER and everyone in that class probably hates me because I am a smart ass. UGH.
Anyway, she seemed impressed that I had failed three times but still wanted to try again. I really think this is the year, anyway. The next logical step after 36k is 50k, right? Right? Please?
Another girl in the class said "I don't think I've written that much in my entire life" and I was sort of... surprised? But when I thought about it it made sense. I know I've written more than 50k in my life. I wrote more than 50k over the summer (Oh, summerwrite, how I failed thee) but I also spend my free time writing and she doesn't. I guess I just assume (incorrectly) that everyone secretly wants to write a book but they just don't think they can, which reminds me of this quote I heard in an essay John Green wrote for public radio. "Everyone has a book in them. Not everyone has two."
I love that quote.
Anyway, expect to see more from me here. I've found I only really frequent LJ when I want to talk about writing. That is, every November. : )