What a Cinco de Mayo

May 06, 2005 16:31

So last night after Ike and I had a few Coronas we headed out to a party. It was so much fun hangin out with him after not seeing him for like 7 months. Im really happy him and I have stayed friends because he has really taught me so much. I like to think Im much smarter when it comes to guys after dealing with Ike. The kid is amazing, like he can walk in a room and go up to any girl and 5 minutes l8er she would be begging to go home with him. I saw him in action last night, its quite the site. I saw Megs and George which was really cool and I hung out with Matt and Perry that lived on Tad's floor. I got Matt and Perry wasted and it was so funny cuz they never drink, haha! Ike and I watched the Boston/Indiana game and the Houston/Dallas game. I honestly coulda cared less about goin out as long as I watched the games, I was very content.

Jess and I are goin to Outback and then shopping in a lil bit. I have a gift card 2 Marshall Fields that "the Easter Bunny" brought me so I need to buy my Grandma something for mother's day. I need to also get something for Lori, my neighbor...she's just like a mother to me.
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