Well we all went out to fight night tuesday and saw tons of nudity i missed the topless boxing that kinda sucked but it was a really good night i got to hang out with all of my friends awesome time i guess its kinda like a guys night out even, how dumb does that sound but i love hanging out with all the guys. Well tommorow is are show in pcola i plan on getting drunk and sleazy so ladies watch out, i got a new drum kit everyone might have the pleasure to see it on the the 8th if not it will be ready for the the 18th. tonight me a reuben tried to go skating i need to get back into it, i went skimming with dud and rob i thought i killed it i was busting little backside 180 rentries but im so sore so i have to get back into skating and skimming i have to buy new boards but i cant yet cause i get to get this drumkit finished
, yeah i dont think anyone reads my joural anymore i havent got a comment in a long time, so one write me later