So Liz and I are getting matching tattoos on our necks...this one:
Well just the two crescent moons. It really means something and thats why its nice, and itll be a good first tattoo. Liz I say we go for it next week, let me know.
Anyway, John mentioned something about registering for next semester. I honestly dont want to. I have to, but I dont want to. I want a real school with real people to socialize with. I want the opportunity to study abroad and take amazing classes. Maybe this college I dream of is imaginary. Maybe Ill be a damn hairstylist on a south philly corner. Whatever. I want out of this Middle Eastern shit Im taking and didnt want to. I have this yearning to go back to an art school. To bring out that passion in me that I cant find in anything else. But passion doesnt make you money, especially as far as writing is concerned. And I dont give a fuck what anyone says, money is that important. Maybe I need to get out of the city.
John and I's schedules conflict, like he said. I dont wanna talk about it. It makes me far too furious.
Generally, I guess Im done. No more to discuss. I need something desperately, I wish it wasnt so hard to find. I need it to find me, like CAPA did.