Long Way From Conway (14/?) *Katy's House part 1*

Jun 29, 2010 13:39


A/N: Don't blame me for this being late, blame Microsoft Office for messing up what I wrote when I copied this on and deleting some of it! Enjoy! Oh, and this isn't the end of their trip at Katy's house, as you can see from the title. There will be two more chapters at Katy's house, so this is the 1st part of their trip :)  Now enjoy! Especially you surefiredguitar ;) You know what I mean!

“Hey Kris,” Adam said, pacing in his closet between two rows of leathery clothes, “is wearing leather gay in Arkansas?”

Kris giggled and hobbled over to Adam on his crutches, noticing Adam’s worried look. Heck, he even looked scared about Kris’s reaction! “Adam, that’s like asking ‘Is the world round?’. Of course it is! Well, at least in Conway, that is.”

“What about those biker guys? They’re always wearing leather and looking fierce!”

“They’re also old people, Adam. Old, grown military rejects with gigantic scars and tattoos that have no lives now that their wars are over. People don’t dare call those old people gay, not only because they could kick their sorry buts out of there if they did, but sweetie, you’re 15 and wearing leather and, realistically, you got beat up by a 16 year old cheerleader. Sorry, but unless it’s a leather letterman jacket you get from school, the only leather you’ll be wearing is your shoes.”

Pouting, Adam leaned on Kris’s shoulder and tugged on one of his sparkly leather jackets, the gleam of a diamond catching his eye.“I look my hottest when I wear leather. I also look good sparkly. Take away those and what do you get? A nerdy white boy with a million freckles and no friends.”

“Adam,” Kris said smirking, “don’t sulk about this. It’s just clothing, not like it’s your hair or something!”

Adam gasped. “I don’t care what they say; I’m not changing my hair! I just dyed it yesterday and I am NOT changing it anytime soon!”

Kris rolled his eyes. “You’re doomed, sweetie.”

“Not if you let me wear an outfit of yours until we can go shopping for ‘nerdy’ clothes in Conway…”

Kris glared. “Say what about my clothes?”

“I just want to wear a pair of-“

“No no,” Kris said insulted, “what did you call my clothes?”

“I just said we can go look for something for me to wear at the nerdy stores in Conway. Plaid galore I bet.” Adam shrugged and pointed to the part of Kris’s row of clothes that were all plaid. “See, nerdy. I wouldn’t be caught dead wearing-“

Kris pinned Adam to the wall and stared menacingly at him, making sure Adam got the message. “Shut up about my clothes, okay?”

Adam laughed. “Whatever Krissy, but I’m just telling you. Nerds wear plaid.”

Suddenly, Kris grabbed a leather jacket with rhinestone studs all around the collar and silver fringe draping down off the arms perfectly and took his keys from his pocket. A wicked smirk ripped across his face.

Adam gasped. “What are you going to do to my jacket?”

Kris dangled the keys in the air tauntingly. “Get payback for your horrible comments about my plaid.” He took a key from his keychain and pressed it to the leather. As a test, Kris pressed the key deep into the leather and drug it down the arm slowly, a long scratch in the leather resulting from it almost immediately.

“Leave my leather alone Kris!” Adam shrieked, his hand fiercely yanking the jacket back in attempt to take it away from Kris. “It’s one of my favorites! Please!”

Kris shook his head, a smirk still plastered to his face. “Sorry, but for every insult you made to my shirts I’m going to make a mark on your beloved jacket. Sorry sweetie!” Kris proceeded to make 4 more scratches, all streaming all the way up the arm of the jacket and protruding deep into the leather. Adam had tears in his eyes by the time Kris had finished. Satisfied, he handed Adam the jacket and resumed packing his clothes.


Adam pouted in shock. “You. Hurt. My. Baby.”

Kris scoffed. “Your baby? I thought I was your baby.”

“This is NO time to be funny, sexy, or teasing Kristopher Allen! This cost a fortune and you just drew in with your key LARGE lines that just happen to be VERY noticeable! How dare you! I swear, if you weren’t in those crutches I....I...well I would knock you to the ground and kill you for that!”

“Sure sure,” Kris cheekily mumbled as he got up and hobbled away, “grab some nerdy plaid and hurry up! We leave in an hour.”

“I hate you!” Adam screamed to Kris as Kris left him alone in the closet.

“Love you too, baby!”


It was too early in the morning for anything sports-wise to be on and the news had some telethon on, so Eber had told Neil to watch something normal kids do. So, much to his dislike, Neil was sitting on the couch watching Nickelodeon when Kris came slowly walking out from his room, a bored look in his eye. As Kris saw what was on, he slowly sat down in a chair and began to watch the TV like a hawk, looking almost un-separable from it.

“Uh, hey.” Neil said uncomfortably as Kris still stared at the TV in silence.

“Hey,” Kris muttered, his eyes glued to the screen.

“Um………so…..you waiting for Adam or what?”

“Yup. Oooh, is this a new episode of SpongeBob or is it a re-run?”

Neil stared wide-eyed in shock at Kris as if he was from another planet. “Uh…..I think it’s new…”

“Oh sweet!” he giddily shouted, smiling at the TV screen like a nerd.

Neil slouched down in the chair and rolled his eyes, taking a swig of his soda as Kris giggled at some dumb joke that was made by Patrick. “I knew he was crazy,” Neil muttered under his breath, “but never that crazy. The first 15-year-old person I’ve ever met that loves SpongeBob for sure.”

Kris began to laugh hysterically, his face turning red and tears coming from his eyes as if the show was the funniest thing on the planet. “Oh my gosh, Squidward is SUPER funny in this episode! I’m so glad I didn’t miss this one!”

Neil again stared at him in shock, this time being a bit annoyed. “Uh…….you want me to get Adam for you?”

Kris shook his head. “Let him take his time, I want to watch this!”

“You sure, I mean he’s probably stalling, you know, with him not wanting to go and all….”


Neil got up furiously and looked towards Adam’s room, proceeding to run to it screaming “ADAM!!!!!!!!!” as loud as he could. Adam jumped when his eyes caught sight of Neil. He then laughed at Neil’s freaked out and angry expression.

“What’s with you, grumpy?”

Neil narrowed his eyes. “I am NOT grumpy. Now, you better hurry up because your so called ‘boy’ is in there watching SpongeBob like a 5 year old girl and I may just have to shoot him if he doesn’t stop weirding me out! Seriously! Get him out!”

Adam rolled his eyes in laughter, placing a hand on Neil’s shoulder and shaking his head. “You’re just being irrational, Neil. Kris is enjoying a show. So what?”

“SPONGEBOB, Adam! SpongeBob as in SQUAREPANTS! SpongeBob as in the little talking sponge that laughs annoyingly and is best friends with a talking starfish in swimming trunks named Patrick! THAT sponge! 15 year old people, especially boys, shouldn’t be watching A TALKING SPONGE! It’s just stupid!”

Adam smirked. “Whatever you say…negative Neil.”

“I AM NOT BEING NEGATIVE ADAM!” Neil shouted as Adam grabbed his bags and walked out of his room in laughter. Negative Neil was a nickname Leila and Eber had given to Neil for how ‘mature’ he would try to be when he thought something was dumb because it always came out negative. Adam only said it to annoy Neil when he was being irrational or stubborn with Adam, which did always seem to make him annoyed. This time happened to be no exception to that.

Once Adam reached the living room with his bags, Kris got up and headed for the door. “Ready to go, baby?”

Adam opened the door and nodded. “Yup. Can’t wait.”

“Well, we need to hurry since the plane leaves in forty minutes! So, let’s get a move on!”

“Sure you want to go while the new SpongeBob episode is on?” Neil sarcastically muttered to Kris as he leaned against the wall. Adam smacked the back of his head and sternly looked at him. “Shut up, twerp.”

“Gladly, my princess in plaid.”

Adam's head shot up to look at Neil. "Say WHAT?"

"I just called you a princess in plaid. Just saying. I hope you and your prince over here get attacked by an evil plaid monster and die so I don't have to see your ugly clothing!"

Just before Adam attacked Neil for saying that, Eber he walked out of his and Leila's bedroom. After already hearing what Neil had said, he walked to Neil and, just like Adam had done, slapped him on the back of the head.

"OWW!" Neil screeched, his hand flinching back to protect his head.

"Serves you right, son. Anyway, Adam and Kris, since Leila is at work and couldn't be here to tell you this, she told me to tell you the ground rules for when you reach Conway. Adam, we want you to call either me or your Mom when you two reach Conway so that we know you landed safe and sound. You two need to stick together and make sure you keep everything in check. Kris, when you two are in Conway, make sure you go straight to..."

"Katy. Her name is Katy, Mr. Lambert."

"Oh," Eber said a bit flustered. "Um....Katy's house. Go to her home and do not take any detours unless it's absolutely necessary....no matter what Adam wants to do."

Adam shrugged and innocently looked to Kris. "What? I like going on those side roads! They're fun!"

“And we always get stuck in mud or get lost when we detour.” Eber blankly stated, glaring at Adam. “Kris, whatever he tries to pull on you, please don’t listen to Adam and go straight to Katy’s house.”

Kris smiled. “I will, sir. Don’t you worry, I’ll make sure he doesn’t drive us off the road or anything like that.”

Eber smiled back. “Good. Now, while staying at their house we want you two to act like perfect gentlemen to her parents and do not cause any trouble for them. They are very kind to let you stay for the weekend so you don’t want to make them hate you. Understood?”

“Understood sir.”


“Adam….are we clear?”

Adam sighed and then nodded, picking back up his and Kris’s bags and heading to the door. “Yeah Dad, now we really need to hurry. We paid way too much for these tickets and I’m not going to let them get wasted.”

“Speaking of that..” Eber added with a smirk. Adam rolled his eyes and gave his father a tight hug. “Love you son. Be careful and watch out for Kris.”

“Love you too Dad, and I will. Don’t you worry.”

Kris hopped on his crutches and walked outside to Eber’s car, a bit of a shocked look on his face as he came close. It was a black mustang convertible with tinted windows, shiny new wheels, and as far as Kris could see through the tinted windshield, leather seating-a type of car Kris didn’t see too often. Heck, he was used to seeing older cars that were used and dented like his parent’s old cars. “Everyone will definitely be able to tell we’re from L.A. alright.”

“What was that, Kristopher?” Adam chirped as he dropped their bags into the surprisingly large trunk, groaning a bit as he looked at the plaid shirt he had on. To Kris, Adam didn’t look to bad in plaid at all, considering the one shirt Adam did choose to wear. It was a long-sleeved dark red plaid shirt-white, purple and green making up the “plaid” squares on the shirt- and it fit Adam almost perfectly. Kris knew inside Adam had to like it deep down inside himself because no one, except maybe Neil, would say it looked bad. Adam was just being the L.A. fasionista he always was. Once the two were safe inside the car and off on the road, Kris decided to speak.

"Oh……I was just saying how with our car we’ll get noticed pretty easily in Conway. You know, for being from L.A.”

Adam giggled. “Just showing the farming folk how us big boys roll in the city!”

Kris smiled and rested his head on Adam’s shoulder. “You look hot in plaid, baby.”

“I look like a dork.”

“Do you want your other leather jackets marked or are you willing to take back what you just said?”

Adam gasped. “I’ll take it back! Just please don’t hurt my clothes again!”

Kris rolled his eyes and kissed Adam’s cheek. “You are such a dork.”

“Says the guy wearing the dork clo-“



“Thank you.”


Adam and Kris made it to the airport in time, handing over the car to the people at the airport to have it flown to Conway (yes, Eber actually paid to have the car flown), giving their luggage and getting on the plane with absolutely no problem. On the plane, since not many people wanted to fly to Conway apparently, there were only 15 rows and instead of 3 seats to a group,  there was only 2 seats, so Adam and Kris had their own seats by each other, away from the others, which was perfect considering they were probably the only gay people on the plane. Kris had worn his special cast today, the one he could walk on without crutches, so he didn’t mind being the window seat. He easily could just get up now if he had to. In addition, Katy probably wouldn’t react as well if Kris had his crutches instead of the small cast he had on now, so it was a win-win situation for him.

Halfway through the flight, Kris fell asleep, clearly tired from packing and walking on his crutches. Adam smiled and played with his hair. A skinny brown haired flight attendant came up to his and taped him on the shoulder. Adam smiled at her.

“Well hello!” He said with a quiet tone to his voice, careful not to wake Kris.

“Hi, do you two need anything?” She asked politely, a smile on her face.

Adam nodded, seeing Kris still dosed off. “Probably a pillow for this guy over here and um, I’d like a soda.”

“Do you care what kind of soda, sir?”

“No, surprise me.” Adam said smirking. The girl giggled and then walked back towards the back of the plane to grab the pillow and drink. When back, Adam was texting on his cell phone to Neil and was giggling quietly at his brother’s reply. The girl again taped Adam on the shoulder and handed him his drink.

“I hope you like root beer, sir.” She murmured, a southern accent sounding from her voice. Adam smiled and sat the drink down. “Of course, sweetie.”

Okay, next time Neil complains about how it’s hard to flirt with girls I am SO gonna’ tell him about this one!

Next, the girl gave Adam the pillow and waved goodbye. Adam stopped her though, and she almost looked surprised.

“Hey, what’s your name?”

“Oh, um, my name’s K-Katherine. Katherine! Oh my gosh, sorry, I’m just a bit shaky for some reason. He he…”

Adam patted her shoulder and warmly grinned. “It’s fine. Nice to meet you, Katherine!”

“Nice to meet you too, um…”

“Adam. Adam Lambert.”

“Adam, right!” Katherine said proudly. “Well, I’ll see you around I guess! I mean, do you live in Conway?”

Adam shook his head. “Me and my friend here are visiting a friend of his in Conway. We’re from L.A.”

Katherine shrugged. “Well, I live in Conway but I am a flight attendant on this plane, so…I guess I will see you then!”

Adam nodded. “Bye Katherine.”

“Bye Adam!”

Right as Katherine left, Kris woke. “Adam….how long ‘till we reach Conway?”

“Um…last time I heard we were about three hours from it. Hey, I got you a pillow!”

“Yay.” Kris slurred sleepily as he grabbed the pillow and put it under his head. Adam couldn’t help but laugh.

“Kris, you are too cute asleep, you know that?”

Kris nodded. “Yup.”

Chuckling, Adam petted Kris’s head and then kissed his cheek sneakily. “I love you,” he whispered quietly, hoping no one heard.

“Loveyoutoo.” Kris slurred. He then fell asleep quickly, only the noise of his steady breathing coming from his nose. Tired himself, Adam laid his head on the pillow too, snuggling his head close to Kris’s, and fell asleep.

It was going to be a long day. He needed all the energy he needed to get through it that he could get.


Adam woke to a feminine tap on his shoulder followed by his named being whispered quietly.

“Adam,” Katherine said, a goofy smile rising on her face, “I just wanted to wake you up to say that we’re about to land in Conway. You might want to wake your buddy and get ready to get off.”

Awwww cute, she thinks I’m Kris’s buddy.

“Oh, um thanks Katherine."

"You're welcome, cutie." And with a wink, Katherine walked away pleased with herself. Adam shifted his weight, clearly uncomfortable with how Katherine had reacted.

That girl better watch out and not flirt with me anymore because I'm Kris's! Gosh, do I have to wear a ring..............well there's a thought.

Adam turned to Kris and gently shook him 'till he woke.

"Hey Adam, where are we now?"

The plane suddenly began to lower, entering the runway slowly. Adam giggled.

"Apparently in Conway, honey. Get ready to get off."

Kris smiled and grabbed his jacket. "Okay. You better call your Dad or Mom."

"Oh, yeah. Um, I'll text them instead. I heard somewhere that cell phone waves mess up conversations with pilots and such, so I'm just being careful!"

By the time the plane landed, Adam had already sent the text and gotten his stuff all together. The next minutes consisted of  making sure their car came safely, which it did....except the key for the trunk was dropped inside the trunk, so they'd have to somehow bust that open to get all their bags, which the people had put into the trunk when taking their bags for some stupid reason. So, Kris couldn't get his crutches and Adam couldn't get his jacket he so stubbornly left in the trunk out until they got to Katy's house and found a way to open the trunk.

This trip was really being nice to them so far.


Kris knew the road to Katy's house like the back of his hand, especially since it was only a mile away from his old house and the fact that he used to go down it all the time. Yet, having Adam driving while you tell him the directions to it isn't as easy as driving it yourself.

"Adam, I swear, if you turn down the wrong road again I will KILL you!"

Adam smirked. "No you wouldn't. You love me too much. Now, do I turn up at that little stop sign up there?"

Sighing, Kris nodded. "Yup. Luckily, it's only a mile down a s straight dirt road after you turn, so we shouldn't be killed by your insane driving or annoying pleads to detour off the road through the woods."

"What?" Adam asked the now infuriated Kris, slowing to a stop as he approached the stop sign. "I like detours and I bet we could make it through in no time!"

"Through the woods, Adam? Seriously?"

Adam rolled his eyes and turned, ignoring the pissed look Kris was giving him. Suddenly, Adam saw this guy on the side of the road and a wire gate. As Adam came to a stop, the two got a good look at the man. He had a scraggly old white beard, an almost bald head, horrible teeth, a super dirty and stained white T-shirt, and scuffed up brown pants that were torn and stained, too. Under his breath, Adam groaned and looked to Kris.

"Okay, I don't remember you saying anything to me about the old hobo that guards the gates to Katy's home but I am not even going to ask."

"I don't remember him," Kris mumbled quietly as the old man came up to Adam's window. The man tapped it and made a crazy face at the boys, making Adam glare at Kris and slowly lower the window.

"Um...is their a problem sir or could you please let us through?"

"Ya'll need to pay the fee to enter my road!" the man yelled in a harsh southern accent, holding out his dirty and shriveled hand in looking for some money.

Adam bit his lip. "Um sir....our money is locked in the trunk in our bags. The trunk is locked and the key is in it."

The man shrugged. I can open it." Without asking, the man ran to the back of the car and grabbed a frying pan from his "stash" of things and raised it.

"Oh don't tell me he's gonna' hit the trunk with that thing until it some how mysteriously opens." Kris groaned, a hint of worry in his voice. Adam jumped out and ran to the guy.

"It's okay sir, but um, we can do that ourselves. Um...is there any way we can pay you other than giving you money?"

The man scratched his beard and then nodded. "Ya'll can give me your clothes."

Adam gasped. "WHAT?"

The man nodded. "Clothes or no entry."

Kris hopped out and came to Adam's side. "Sir, why do you need our clothes?"

"It gets cold here in the winter. I need all the clothes I can get to make me warm while I'm at the gate here."

Kris groaned. "Seriously?"

"Yup. Now, hurry up. You two look like you need to get somewhere."

Adam nodded as he took of his shirt and handed it to the man. "And now we're gonna' make the best first impression ever. Come in with almost no clothes on! Yippee."

Kris groaned and then took off his shirt, too. "Also, I'm loosing two nice outfits in the process. You owe me clothes Adam!"

"Why me?" Adam shrieked as he handed the man his pants.

"Because you're wearing my clothes! I'm loosing both outfits!"

Once the boys were done giving him their clothes, the man narrowed his eyes. "Boys, I still need all your clothes. Hand over the underwear."

Kris's jaw dropped. "WHAT?"

Adam laughed. "You have to be kidding me. Why would you want underwear?"

The man shrugged. "A man can always use some. Anyway, hurry up or else you're not going anywhere. Oh, but you guys can keep your shoes. I could care less about them."

"Yet you do care about underwear."


Adam groaned. "Just checking."

After the two boys had given the man their underwear, they sprinted to their car and rolled up their windows. The old man let them through, waving and smiling as if nothing had happened. Adam looked to Kris and sighed. "Well, Katy's sure not going to forget this day."

Kris nodded in agreement. "I just hope her parents aren't lingering around. My gosh, that's the last thing I would want to happen. Have them see us like this."

Adam smirked. "Yup. But I still can't wait to see how Katy reacts. Gosh, she's gonna' freak."

As the car pulled into the driveway, Kris let out a huge sigh and smiled. "Yay her parents are out! Thank God they are away!"

"Yeah, but remember, we still have Katy."

"Heaven help us."

The two quickly got out and ran up to Katy's door, ringing the doorbell as fast as they could as the breeze came by. Suddenly, Kris heard Katy yell "Coming!" followed by the sound of Katy coming. Kris immediately covered himself with his jacket the best he could, a whimper coming from his mouth.

Well, here we go. Oh Lord help me.

Katy suddenly opened the door and saw Kris and Adam naked at her doorstep, Adam with a goofy grin on his face and Kris with a look of pure apology on his face. "Hi Katy.." he mumbled, his hands shaking in fear of her reaction.

Katy gulped and covered her mouth, looking both Adam and Kris over, shuttering a bit when looking Adam over. Adam smirked wickedly as him and Kris walked in.

"Like what you see, Miss Katy? Well, excuse our nakedness,some hobo down the street jacked our clothes. Please, take Kris's jacket-"

Adam swiftly pulled the jacket Kris was using to cover himself up with out of his hands and gave it to Katy, who looked at it wide-eyed for a second and then looked at Kris with a long stare.

"So Katy, where are we going to stay? Umm Katy? Heeelllloooooo?? KATY! Hey don't stare at my boy like that!"

Katy gulped. "Uhhhhh....upstairs to the left. Only room t-there."

Adam saw Katy stare at Kris and raised an eyebrow at her. "Stop looking at Kris's stuff, girl! That's mine and mine only!"

Katy stared at Adam in shock, her mouth dropping open absentmindedly.

"Oh my gosh Katy, shut your mouth! We do not need any open mouths in the state we are in right now! That's the last thing I'd want to do for sure!"

Katy shut her mouth immediately as she blankly stared at Kris, who proceeded to cover himself with a pillow from the couch next to him and blush. Adam rolled his eyes at Kris and headed up to the room.

"Oh and Katy! Our key to the trunk where our bags are is in the trunk, so if you can get someone to open that, it would be fabulous! Thanks sweetie!" Adam then ran to the room, disappearing from sight. Katy covered her mouth again.

"You have a lot to explain to me, mister."

"You have no idea, Katy."

And thus, the trip began!

To be continued.....

kradam, kris allen, love, adam lambert, katy allen

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