Holy Shit Guys (aka hi)

Apr 22, 2015 18:37


I totally didn't forget about this place even though it seems like it. I just was completely 100% tired cause high school and all that lovely stuff that gets in the way of anything fun. Just thought I should update you on stuff since I've been non-communicando forever.

  1. Yes I still write, but on quotev.com (click here) cause it's easier.
  2. I am Rooster Teeth trash so if I do post anything on here, you know it'll be on that especially since Glee ended. Also follow me on the site, free2achieve is the name.
  3. That thing I started here before I disappeared? It's like almost 30 chapters long (read it and comment and love please).
  4. Tumblr: sidekickjoey.tumblr.com
  5. Love you :D

guess who's back back again

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