Long way from Conway (58/?)

Jul 21, 2011 19:51

Thanks to groffiction for the awesome banner XD


You are probably wondering why I haven't updated this week. Well, it's because I'm going on a cruise for about a week starting Saturday and I didn't want you guys have to wait so long for another chapter of this. So, I waited and wrote this. It may seem short, but I wrote it much better than last time and I feel much better about it, so...yeah :)

Enjoy and I'll post about my trip when I get back ;D

"Kris, why haven't we had sex lately?"

Kris snorts. "You had to say that while holding our daughter, huh?"

"Well! You know we haven't!"

"Adam," Kris says as he fixes Jessie's bed, "things have been too hectic lately for sex. With Jessie waking up during the night, with Crystal being an evil and annoying jerk, and with the trial coming up soon, the time just hasn't come."

Adam pouts and glares down at Jessie. "So it's your fault, missy."

"Adam, stop trying to blame our two week old on this."


"Look," Kris cuts off, standing in front of Adam and Jessie with his arms tightly folded across his chest, "if you are that desperate then I'll help you get off tonight or something. Can we now please tuck in our little girl before she gets soiled anymore by hearing of our sex lives?"

Smirking, Adam gets up and kisses Kris on the cheek. "Okay, fine."

Blushing, Kris watches dreamily from behind Adam as he sets Jessie comfortably into her crib, messing up her hair a bit once she's in. He laughs at Jessie's puzzled expression.

"She's going to be one kick-ass little girl when she's older."

Adam nods. "Watch her only allow the best of guys to even talk to her. I can just see it now."

"We want our little girl to be a boy-killer?"

"What, you don't want her to be a fierce little girl?"

Kris laughs. "I rather her not be stuck up and take any boy that is sweet and a good gentleman to be hers."

"But she-"

"How about we just let our baby decide how she wants to deal with her life and go head off to our room, okay?"

Adam smirks. "See, sex is on your mind, too!"

Looking down at Jessie's wide blue eyes, Kris shakes his head and pats her's gently.

"I'm sorry you live with such creeps, baby girl."


"Hey Mom," Neil says, trotting out of his bedroom at the late time of one in the morning, "can I ask you something?"

Leila, who was previously sitting on the couch knitting a hat for Jessie, quickly nods and pats the seat next to her. Neil comes over and takes the seat, leaning back with a deep sigh.

"You okay, dear?"

"Why is everything about Adam?"

Leila frowns. "Neil, not everything is about him. Lately it may seem that way because of Jessie and Crystal but....no, no it's not about him only. Why, is there something going on with you?"

"I think I'm in love."


Neil nods, a grin on his face. "Her name is Ella. She's so hot, Mom, and she has the cutest voice-"

"Does she like you back?"

"Sadly, no, not at all."

"Want a tip?"

Neil smirks. "A dating tip from my mom?"

Leila laughs. "Hey, you better be quiet about that. Your brother has come to me a lot, and look at him."

"Engaged, with child, being stalked by a near killer, and on their way to a trial all by age seventeen. That worked out well."

"I see why he calls you negative."


"Treat her like a lady," Leila cuts off, going back to her knitting happily. "Open doors for her, compliment her randomly, help her out when she needs it...stuff like that. She'll be in your arms before you know it."

Neil smiles. "Thanks Mom."

"You're welcome."

"Oh, and Neil," she says, stopping him before he leaves, "don't tell your father that I talked with you about this. After finding out that Adam was gay, he kind of always relied on you to be the son to come to him for problems with girls."

With a wink and a nod, Neil leaves, leaving Leila to her work and himself to a good night's rest.

Well....somewhat good......


"Mmmm, Adam, keep doing that, pleeeeeeeeease."

"Gosh, Kris, you're so sexy right now, I could-"

Suddenly, there's a bang at the door, and the boys immediately freeze in place, a look of horror on Kris's face and one of disappointment on Adam's. With a whimper, Adam quickly leaves Kris on he bed and rushes over to his robe, praising the Lord that he still kept his shirt on. As he opens the door, he comes face-to-face with a very angry Neil, his hair messed up and his eyes bloodshot.


"How is it possible that I can hear you two still after having my room sound-proof?"

Adam rolls his eyes. "Neil, please-"

"You guys just have to be like rabbits, huh?"

"We haven't even done anything in a while! Why does it matter to you, anyway?"

"I need sleep!"

"No, you can't just need sleep! I had the room next to Mom and Dad when they were making you! It doesn't get that hard to drown out!"

Neil groans. "Every time I hear you guys, I always get this feeling in the pit of my stomach that just makes me feel so....jealous! Why do you guys have to always flaunt your love around?"

"Neil, I'm going to be married. I'm just doing what any happily in love couple would do!"

"You ever think that maybe love's harder to find for some other people in this house? Huh, Adam? Ever think that it hurts to hear love that you can't have go on all the time? Huh?"

Sighing, Adam runs a hand through his hair and then rests it on Neil's shoulder comfortingly. "Neil.......I never meant....I never knew that you were going through love trouble. I-"

"Just.......just shut up a little and stop being so boastful, okay? For me?"


"Goodnight Adam," Neil quickly cuts off, walking away. "Oh, and Adam? Your kid is crying. I could hear her, too."


"I kind of feel sorry for him," Kris says quietly, cradling Jessie in his arms on their bed. "I mean, it must suck to always see us being a couple considering he doesn't have love."

"Yeah, I know," Adam agrees with a yawn. "It sucks also that we have to change our plans to fit his needs. We need a damn house."

Kris sighs. "Adam-"

"Kris, if we don't buy a house soon I may go mad. We can't have sex or show we love each other because of Neil and Jessie can't go anywhere but her nursery, as it seems!"



Kris glares at Adam. "Look what you did."

Adam laughs out of breath. "I did? You yelled!"

"Well, if you hadn't have brought up the house thing-"


Kris smirks. "Ha, now you did it."

"I will cut you, Kristopher."

"I will cut you back if you make me move."


"Can't a guy want to stay close to his family?"

"You moocher."


Adam giggles. "You want to stay here so that you don't have to pay anything like electricity or heating!"

Kris rolls his eyes. "Adam-"

"Kris, I'm going to be famous soon if Gaga's fans have any brains and I'll get money. Our bills won't be hard to get and you may not have to even get a job for us to be safe! C'mon, you know that you'd love the place. Oooh, maybe we could get a dog!"

"You are like a child," Kris says hopelessly. "Let's just talk about this tomorrow. I'm going to put Jessie to bed. Want to pick up where we left off when I get back?"

Adam sighs. "No. Neil killed the mood the moment he said he could hear us and Jessie at the same time. That's sick, man."


"Morning," Adam hears cooed into his ear as he wakes up, eyes fluttering. Looking to his left, Kris is smiling lovingly, those beautiful chocolate brown eyes gazing into practically his heart.

"Mmmm, what time is it?"

"Seven in the morning."

Adam groans. "Why so early?"

"Today's the trial. I kind of thought you may want to spend some time with Jessie and I before we have to face Crystal."


Kris laughs. "I know. I love you."

Smiling, Adam slowly brings Kris closer and wraps his arms around him, cuddling him almost. He then places a gentle and loving kiss to his lips, humming contently at the contact.

"I love you too, Kristopher. I love you, and Jessie, and all the love and awesomeness we have. Whatever Crystal says or whatever is brought up in this case tomorrow.....I want you to know that I love you and support you. Whatever memories come up....just know that I'm going to be there after to hug you and make sure you forget them. Okay Kris?"

Kris nods, tearful. "Okay."

"Now, let's go throw Jessie into Neil's room and have him get woke up by baby cries!"





"We are not making are daughter cry just to annoy Neil, Adam!"

"Well than can I go and wake him up by screaming?"

"Knock yourself out, two year old."


As Adam runs out of the room excitedly, Kris laughs, gets up, and then leaves the room with a huge grin plastered on his face.

What did he ever do to deserve such a goofball?


To be continued........

fun fun fun, they kissed, my heart, forgive me gaga, banner, i cannot even, falling slowly, hot hot hot hot, groffiction, could strangle a chicken, serious shiz, cuteness overload, i don't even know, summer, trolling trolling trolling, kradam, love, long way from conway, adam lambert, summer vacation, this is too hilarious, kris allen, family, neil lambert, jessie marie

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