Long way from Conway (57 part 2/?)

Jul 04, 2011 20:27

Thanks to groffiction for this amazing banner :)

A/N: Sorry for the delay, I just wanted to update it yesterday but got caught up in my other ship (klaine) nearly exploding the internet XD Anyway, I hope you like this. Pretty angsty, I guess. But don't worry, it'll get better. Much better. Oh, and for all my American readers: HAPPY 4TH OF JULY! :D


"No," Kris mumbles, barely audible, as they stare blankly at the empty crib, "this can't be happening."

Adam swallows hard as his eyes begin to water. "Why.....why is this happening?"

"I....I don't...wait!"

Looking down underneath one of Jessie's stuffed animals, a little tiny yellow note rests untouched, folded up in waiting of their revealing. Kris quickly picks it up and unfolds it, hands shaking. Next to him, a very shaken Adam stands and reads it with him.

"Dear Adam and Kris,

It's over, okay? I'm done dealing with you two and have decided to give you what you want. I'm leaving you guys and am never returning again. The police can try to find me, but I doubt they will. I'm that gone. Anyway, let me cut to the chase and say that I needed something in exchange for my ridding of my existence from your lives. Reading this note, I'm pretty sure you know exactly what it is. I'm taking what is mine and going. Period.

Goodbye forever,
                                                                                                                           Crystal <3"

As soon as he's finished reading, Kris frozenly drops the paper back in baby Jessie's crib and sobs, his strength quickly draining from him. Beside him, Adam can only clutch Kris tightly to not lose his sanity.

"A-Adam," Kris whispers in shock, "what...what are we going to do?"

Adam shrugs and wipes his eyes. "I...I don't know, Kris. I honestly don't."

"I want my baby girl back, Adam."

Sobbing, Adam quickly takes Kris into his arms hugs him tight, the tears falling like waterfalls now.

"We'll get her back.........I promise. We will."


"You WHAT?"

"Mom," Adam says through tears, "we didn't even think she was in any trouble! All the doors we locked, the windows were closed and locked....we walked around the block! We were gone probably fifteen minutes!"

"How could you be so moronic! Did you call the police?"

"Yes. Kris just got off the phone with them. They're on their way and they already sent out that alert for a missing child...you know..."

"An AMBER alert?"

Adam nods and clutches the phone tightly to not cry. "Mom, Crystal did it. She left a note and according to the police, she escaped this morning. They have no clue how she did and they think that some of the other inmates helped smuggle her out."

"Screw the others, I care about my granddaughter! Have you guys gone searching anywhere yet?"

"The police said for us to wait until they get here."

Leila sighs. "I'm really disappointed in you guys."

"We're so sorry, Mom. We never meant for this to happen."

"No one does, Adam, but you could've prevented this easily by taking the stroller or something so that she could come with you. You should've known that until Crystal is taken care of at court, she could have easily broken out like she's done before. You guys have to start thinking as parents and not as teen boyfriends, Adam. It's not fun, but you have to if you're going to keep raising Jessie and if you are going to continue doing it after you turn eighteen and have to provide for her on your own."

Adam sighs. "I know. We're really sorry."

"Well....right now, it's not time to say sorry. It's time to start thinking and getting closer to finding Jessie. Please Adam, don't do anything but help the police. Without them, Jessie may not be found."

"I love you, Mom."

Leila wipes a tear from her eye. "I love you too, Adam. Go find your baby girl and call if you need your father or I. We can easily get off work, okay?"

Adam nods. "Okay . Bye Mom."

"Bye Adam. Good luck."


"Ben, I'm sorry."

"How could you let Jessie just...go missing like that? On our wedding day, too!"

Kris groans. "It's not all about you and James, Ben! My damn daughter is missing and all you can think about is Jessie not being there to be your flower girl or for everyone to be too caught up in all of this mess? How selfish can you get?"

"I'm sorry," Ben apologizes, plopping down on his bed. "I just....I just wanted to make this day perfect for James, and if he finds out that our godchild is missing....he'll freak out and get all stressed. I don't want him to be hurt by this, Kris. Not on his wedding day."

"Is there any way you could push back the wedding?"

Ben shrugs. "I guess we could. Lucky for us, it's just a small wedding on the beach. Besides, the weather today kind of sucks. Tomorrow would work."

Kris smiles and wipes his tears. "Thanks Ben. Um....I'm sorry, I guess."

"For what?"

"It's our fault Jessie got taken. If we'd just taken her with us on our walk...your wedding day wouldn't be ruined."

Ben frowns. "Hey, don't say that. It's not your fault Jessie's gone. You never planned on her being taken. It's that bitch Crystal's fault. Now go get her and kick her butt for James and I, okay?"

Kris smiles. "Will try. Bye Ben."

"Bye Kris."



Adam can't help but laugh at Brad. "Calm down, Brad, we don't know."

"What the hell man, why aren't you flippin out right now? JESSIE IS MISSING!"

"We have to be calm. Besides, I don't want to scare Kris. He's already a little shaky and I'm pretty sure that if I allow myself to cry, I'll break down."

Brad sighs. "You know what Adam? I'm coming over. Now. If you two can't search for that bitch, I will. I'll find that kid before any damn Bloodhound or German Shepard does, easily."

"Brad, don't."

"Don't search for my little girl? Hell no!"

"Your girl? Wha..Brad, she's my daughter."

"Not if you die, which you will if I don't get to search for her!"

Adam sighs and runs his fingers through his hair. "Brad, just wait until I get permission from the cops, okay? They should be here any second."



"Adam, I almost hurt Jessie's chances of living! I owe it to her to save her from that bitch!"

"Wait.....is that why you are freaking out here?"

Brad swallows hard. "That not the main concern here, Adam!"

"Brad...you don't owe anything to Jessie."

"Yes I do, Adam! I nearly killed her! It's amazing she's even living right now! The least I can do is find her and save her!"

".......Come over here, Brad."


Adam sighs. "You're going to come help find Jessie. I...I'll work it out with the police. Okay?"

"You serious?"

"Get over here before I regret it, okay Brad?"


"Bye, freak."


"Mr. Allen and Mr. Lambert," a very tall, heavy built officer begins to ask as he and the boys stand outside, "can you tell us when you both left your house?"

"Nine fifteen, I think," Adam replies, still holding Kris close to his side.

"Do you have an approximation of when you both returned?"

Kris shrugs. "Maybe nine thirty? We only walked around the block."

"Okay, so let me get this straight. You boys walked out of your house on a trip around the block at about nine fifteen in the morning. The door was locked and the house was secure, the baby inside. You arrived back at about nine thirty to find the door to the house cracked open and, when you went inside to inspect the house, you found your young daughter of about two weeks missing from her bed and a letter from the lady who you suspect to be the kidnapper. Is that right?"

Adam and Kris nod.

"Okay then. Well, I'm going to give this knowledge to my fellow cops and the K-9 unit so then they will know what we are dealing with."

"Speaking of the K-9 unit," Adam quickly says before the cop turns away, "is it okay if one of my friends helps find her? He...he thinks this is his fault and it's really hard for him to do anything but worry unless he's helping."

The cops sighs. "Fine, we'll send him along with one of the K-9's and its trainer. But if he distracts the dog or his or her trainer, then we'll have to not let him join the search. It's all about finding your daughter and that's how it must stay if we are to save her. Understand?"

Adam nods. "Yes sir. I'll tell him."

Just then, Brad pulls up to the driveway, and as soon as his car is out of traffic, he parks the car and runs out, straight up to Adam and Kris. He immediately hugs Adam, startling both him and the cop.

"Oh my gosh Adam, am I too late to help search?"

The cop snorts. "This is the guy you want to be with our K-9 and trainer?"

Kris blushes.  "Please don't judge us. He came on as an annoying clip on to this relationship."


"You know," the trainer says as his German Shepard walks around the house, sniffing, "I wouldn't be worrying about that little girl. This Crystal girl....she doesn't sound like the kind to kill her own child."

Brad snorts. "She shot one of Jessie's fathers at his Junior prom. You have no clue what this chick can do."

The trainer laughs. "Maybe she could. But still...Maxie here is not a type who gives up. He'll fight until he gets his reward."

"I see. I really hope that he is wiling to fight to the end like I am."

"You bet. He's one good ol' do-"

"LOOK," Brad suddenly shouts, running forward a few feet, "over there!"

The trainer and his dog quickly run after Brad. "What are you doing? Wait up!"

"This," Brad says, stopping towards the back of the house and bending over, "this is familiar!"

"You crazy? What do you even see?"

Standing back up straight, Brad shows a tiny little slipper to him and the dog. It makes his jaw fall to the ground.

"Is that the girl's slipper?"

"I made this myself. This is what I made for her. It's original. It has to be her."

"Hey," the trainer quickly says, nudging Maxie forward, "let Max give it a good ol' sniff. I think she'll find her easily if she gets this stronger scent."

While Brad does that, the trainer quickly radios in to the officer in the house with Adam and Kris now. He tells them off the evidence and at the same time orders all people to come in their direction to search and get the scent.

They found a lead.

"I'm coming for you, Jessie," Brad whispers as the dog barks and starts to make his way towards the woods, "I'm coming to save you."


It's a sound she never wanted to hear.

The loud, painful yelp of a canine in pursuit coming closer with every breath.

She panics for a moment, fear nearly crippling her in the early afternoon atmosphere, and makes a mad dash to Jessie's crib, grabbing the resting and unaware newborn tightly in her arms. A minute later, the barks growing closer still, she decides to scribble down another note, only this time, it's frantic and not well written. Plus, it's on a very ripped up piece of paper. She drops it into Jessie's make-shift crib and then, after grabbing Jessie's teddy bear, runs quickly out of the shack.

She goes straight into the wilderness, running away for good.

Running away to try to get away.

Little did she know, though, that her time was running short, and that the ending she's longing for was not going to be filled with happiness....

....only death.


To be continued............

halp!, my heart, craziness, forgive me gaga, i cannot even, hail to the naw, brad bell, groffiction, sad things, serious shiz, i don't even know, trolling trolling trolling, kradam, love, long way from conway, adam lambert, highschool, redic....ulous, kris allen, hugs, seriously?, family, i am way too bored today, jessie marie

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