Long way from Conway (55/?)

Jun 05, 2011 10:08

Thanks to groffiction for this amazing banner :)

A/N: Okay, so, before you read this, I've gotta' say a few things. First off, this wasn't the draft of this I wanted to post at all. I actually finished this chapter early yesterday and nearly had it posted then. But then...LJ decided to screw up big time and erase more than 3/4 of what I had. It was auto-saved at the time I finished it and everything, but it still erased. It was horrible to have happen and I was so angry because I really was going to give you all such a good chapter like I promised and now...well...I don't know how I feel about it. It's not as good as it was, I'll tell you that. Second, I need to apologize for how crummy my updates have been lately. I really, really don't want to disappoint you guys and I don't want it to seem like a two year old is writing this, but sometimes I just don't feel into it and it sucks. Then, when I post it, I feel like I didn't give you my best and that I may lose some of you guys because of it. Well, I want you to know that now that I'm on break, I'm going to try to work harder and make sure you guys aren't reading crummy writing like I've made in the past. I'm sorry if this is like my crummy writing because it wasn't supposed to be. Ugh, now I sound whiny so....just enjoy this the best you can and sorry for the rant that ensued.


Turning around at the familiar voice following him down the street, Adam gasps and smiles as he sees his friend come to him.

"Ben," he says cheerfully, "what are you doing here?"

"Well," Ben replies, a little out of breath, "I was just walking down the street and, since i saw you, I decided I could tell you now."

Adam raises his eyebrow. "Tell me what?"

"James and I are getting married tomorrow."

"Whoa," Adam says, walking alongside Ben now, "that's kind of on short notice, don't you think?"

"Brad knows."

"Smart boy, you are."

Ben smirks. "It actually was Tommy's idea. You and Kris are, to be honest, the last two we haven't told. Trust me, we would've told you earlier, but I heard Jessie had some sort of problem and...well..James and I didn't really want to bug you with a call of good news when you were so concerned with her welfare. We know how much you care for."

Adam grins. "Yeah. She's okay now, by the way."

"Good. James was wondering that last night."

"Anyway...the wedding..."

"Oh yeah," Ben says, hitting his forehead, "the wedding. Anyway, James and I were wondering....we don't really know many little kids at all due to family and other stuff, so....do you mind if Jessie was our little flower girl? We'd totally understand if you said no, considering how she just got home from the hospital and all. She does need to recover."

Adam smiles. "Nah, I think she'd be great. You guys do know she can't walk or even sit up on her own yet, right?"

Ben laughs. "Of course. You know, you can still help her down the isle, though. Like, you know how parents sometimes make their little babies wave to people by moving their arms? Well, you can help her throw the petals down the isle. Well, sand in this case, but it's all the same."

Adam nearly stops in his tracks. "Wait......you said sand.....are you guys having a beach wedding?"

"Yup," Ben says with a grin, "we are. It actually was James' idea. He really likes the whole 'romantic beach theme' a lot, so hey, I decided to go with it. Anything for him. And speaking on anything, I'm wondering about letting him have a certain thing he asked me about earlier. He said he wanted to do that thing where the person throws the bouquet back and whoever catches it is like...deemed to be married next. Do you think that'd be fun? Like, for everyone?"

"Of course! Besides, it's always fun to see people trip over each other to try to get a thing of flowers. Ha, I put all my money on Brad catching it."

"I actually thought you would get it."


Ben smiles. "Yeah. Well, I more want you to get it just because it'd probably spur you and Kris to get married. I mean, with Jessie being here now, you two should probably get married. At least you should before she gets old enough to talk and asks questions about why her parents aren't married yet. I think you should."

"I don't want our wedding to seem like it's going on just because we have a child now."

"Then don't let it be. Make it be about only you and Kris. Surround it with your love for one another and center it all around your relationship. Jessie will just be a guest....a special one, if you will."

"I don't know..."

"Well....whatever you two do with your wedding, I'm sure it'll be fantastic. Now, if you'd excuse me, I have to go and get some items for my bachelor party tonight."

Adam raises his eyebrow. "And why aren't we invited?"

"We just thought with Jessie and all-"

"My mom likes her. She can easily take care of her. We'll definitely be there."


"Now, what's this about items?"


Adam laughs. "Well, I just hope you aren't going out to get a stripper. I doubt Tommy would enjoy seeing a gay stripper strip in front of him."

Ben sighs. "You're still a sicko."


"Well, if it isn't Mr. Adam Lambert," Gaga says as she welcomes Adam through the doors of the large recording studio building that she texted him to meet her at. "Nice to see you."

Adam looks around and nearly forgets to breath. "Hi..uh...whoa. Do you record here?"

Gaga shrugs as she messes around with a few papers on the front desk. "Sometimes. What its purpose today is is to be the place where you record your first song and become a hit singer."

Adam's jaw nearly drops to the ground.

No. Flippin. Way.

"You...you....you told me all you wanted was to show me around the studio. Y-you never said anything about-"

"I think you have so much potential to be a star, Adam. I want to help you bring out that potential. What I want to do is use one of my old, not released songs and duet with you. It's perfectly up your ally and I think you'll do fabulous on it. Taking the recording of the duet, we are going to make it a single and give it to all the radio stations we can. It'll be by me featuring you, just because I wrote it and stuff, but you'll still be on there. When people hear it, they'll fall in love hopefully and then they'll hear about you at the same time. As your popularity grows, we'll see about getting you a record deal here and turning you into a star. Oh, and by the way, if the song is a huge success, we'll possibly look in to putting it on my new album, making you even more profit and giving you more exposure."

Adam swallows hard. "What if the public doesn't like me or the single?"

Gaga shrugs. "For me, not much will happen. I've had a flop song before and my fan base is big enough that I'll be fine. For you...well...I guess we'll figure out that this business is not for you. That's as simple and frank as it gets."


"It's okay. Now, come on!"

Taking Adam's hand, Gaga smirks and drags him suddenly through a door followed by a long hallway, ending with a dead-end door with the words 'recording booth' printed in big black letters on it. The two then go through them and finally enter the booth.

Adam nearly falls to the ground, it's so dang cool.

"I can't believe this is happening."

Gaga laughs. 'Believe it, Adam, because it is. Now, the song we're going to do is one I wrote called 'Fever'. Heard it on youtube at all?"

Adam nods furiously. "I've seen it a lot of times."

"Good. Then you'll be all that much better! Now, let's get into that booth, shall we?"

"We shall."

Walking into the booth, Adam nearly freaks out to see all the cool equipment. High quality mics and stools clutter the place, and for Adam, it's like walking into a winter wonderland.


Ignoring the stools, Adam goes straight up to the mic and laughs in excitement. Gaga takes her place at her microphone and then places a stand with lyrics on it between them.

"These are the lyrics for the song. My parts are in pink, yours are in green, and the parts we sing together are in blue. Simple?"


Gaga smiles. "Good. Oh, I better give you these," she says, handing Adam headphones. "They'll play the track in them while you sing. I also recommend that you put one side off your ear so you can hear yourself better. Trust me, it helps. A lot."


"You ready?"

"Yup....as ready as I'll ever be to try to record my first single."

Gaga laughs and then winks at the men at the controls, cuing them to start the track. Inside the headphones, the familiar track plays and the beginning of history begins.


"There he goes,
my baby walks so slow,
sexual tic-tack-toe,
yeah I know we both know it isn't time,
no, but could you be m-mine?"

"We'll never get too far,
just you, me, and the bar,
silly menage-a-trios,

"Would you be m-mine?"
"Would you be m-mine?"
"Would you be m-mine?"

"Oh baby,
light's on,
but your mom's not home,
I'm sick of laying down alone, hey,
with this fever, fever, yeah.
My one and own,
I wanna' get you alone,
Give you fever, fever, yeah."

"There it goes,
you stole my so-and-so,
'cause sweetheart no-no-nobody a kno-kno-knows me,
or can find me,
oh yeah,
time to be m-mine,

"Let's get inside your car,
just you, me, and the stars,
kind of menage-a-trios,

"Would you be m-mine?"
"Would you be m-mine?"
"Would you be m-mine?"

"Oh baby,
light's on,
but your mom's not home,
I'm sick of laying down alone, hey,
with this fever, fever, yeah.
My one and own,
I wanna' get you alone.
Give you fever, fever, yeah!"

"Yeah, yeah, yeah."
"Yeah, yeah, yeah."
"Yeah, yeah, yeah!
You burn me, you burn me up,
baby, you're mine!
Baby you're mine.
Mine, you're mine."

"Oh baby,
light's on,
but your mom's not home,
I'm sick of laying down alone,
with this fever, fever, yeah.
My one and own,
I wanna' get you alone."
"I got this fever and I can't sweat it out!"
"Oh baby,
light's on,
but your mom's not home,
I'm sick of laying down alone,
with this fever, fever, yeah.
My one and own,
I wanna' get you alone, yeah."
"Give you fever, fever, yeah!
Give you my f-f-fever, my f-fever.
Give you f-f-fever, my f-fever!
Give you fever, fever, yeah.
Give you fever, fever, yeah!"

And with that, the song ends, and Adam starts to flip out about the awesomeness of it all. Gaga laughs and rolls her eyes as he flips out, but inside, she couldn't be more happy.

He was going to go place.

Adam was gonna' be big, and she just knew it.



Running through the house, Adam runs all the way to the nursery, entering in without a care in the world. Looking around for a faint moment, he can see Kris sitting on the rocking chair cuddling Jessie while Leila makes a bottle for her.

"Kris, you wouldn't BELIEVE-"

"Adam," Leila cuts off sternly, "there is a little girl in here who would absolutely love to cry from now until tomorrow morning straight without care and make your night miserable if you keep speaking that loud. Unless you'd like that, I suggest keeping the level of speech down a bit."

Adam blushes. "Sorry Mom....and uh, Jessie. Anyway, guess what happened? I recorded a song with Gaga!"

Leila nearly drops Jessie's bottle. "A-are you serious?"

"Yup! She's even going to make it a single. We signed all these papers and everything and I get a portion of all sales of the song. If it's good enough, she'll even put it on her actual album! Can you believe that?"

Kris smiles. "That's amazing, Adam."

Kneeling down next to him, Adam smiles and looks at his little girl in adoration. "Guess what, little girl? I'm going to make your life be as amazing as you want it to be with this. You'll go to a wonderful college, have a beautiful house, have a hot car, wear the prettiest clothes, get all the toys you want.....anything. I promise, dear."

Leila sighs. "Sweetie, don't get your hopes all up in the clouds about this. You never know what the public will think when they hear you or learn about you. Fame comes rarely."

"I don't care what they say about my life. I just care about my music and about making Jessie's life wonderful. Even if I have to go get another chance somewhere else, I'm not giving up."

"I hope you succeed, love. I love you, Adam."

"I love you too, Mom. Oh, and uh, since we love each other so much...."

"What do you want?"

Adam smirks. "Can you watch Jess for me and Kris tonight? We have some...uh...stuff to go do."

"Yes I'll watch her while you go to the bachelor party with Kris."

"Thanks Mo...what?"

Leila laughs. "Brad came over earlier to drop off some adorable outfits for Jessie and was all ranting and raving about it. It's okay, love. I'll watch your girl for you."

"Thanks Mom."

Looking over to Kris, Adam kisses him and smiles brightly, surrounded by his little family. "I won't disappoint you."

Kris smiles. "You'd never disappoint us, Adam. Ever."


To be continued......

they kissed, halp!, tommy joe ratliff, craziness, banner, i cannot even, hail to the naw, brad bell, groffiction, sad things, could strangle a chicken, serious shiz, cuteness overload, i don't even know, trolling trolling trolling, kradam, love, long way from conway, adam lambert, redic....ulous, kris allen, hugs, seriously?, family, i am way too bored today

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