Finals week. No new LWFC. Am THIS close to freaking out.

May 17, 2011 00:43

Hey everyone :/

I kinda am going through a rough time right now in RL. It's finals all this week and next week for me and I'm literally freaking out. I have all this stuff to study and what I am supposed to study is so dang vague that I literally may just have to read all of my whole dang textbooks to get anything in my mind. Plus, to add to the pile of crap I have to work on this week, I have band practice FOUR TIMES this week for a performance of two songs we already know like heck, but NO. We have to spend a FINAL WEEK on band instead of grades. Ugh.

Anyway, I wouldn't be freaking out much, but I really am getting a LOT of pressure this time to ace all the finals I have this year. Like, all my teachers are saying 'you are so capable of this' and 'you will pass this easily' and I'm just like DO YOU KNOW HOW MUCH I HAVE ON MY PLATE RIGHT NOW? TWO WEEKS FULL OF FINALS? I wonder how they expect us to survive sometimes. I'm a straight A student, I always have from a young, young age, and last year if I remember correctly, I had no trouble (except for Math, but I naturally suck at it :P) with the finals. This year seems to be different, and no, it's not because it's, quote, "harder work than last year", it's just something.....idk. Like, first of all, I don't feel in the mentality that I can do this and properly study. I feel more sluggish and a bit overworked for some reason. Maybe that has to do with all the dang review assignments my teachers are handing out, but still. I never usually feel like this. At all. But I do now, and it scares me.

Second, it feels like I have less time to study this year, yet it's the same. I've done pretty good on the History reviews and I have my English studying completely down pat (well I better, the final is in a day :P), but I feel totally unprepared for the other finals of mine. My Science final may be easy, and it hopefully will be like the one I had last year since I aced it so easily, but it still scares me a lot to prepare for. Then there's my math final, and really, I couldn't be more afraid about this one. I got my first F on a test (or on work, for that matter) ever in Math this year, and also got a D after that. Even though on my retakes I did great, I'm still petrified. To make this better? There are things my teacher skipped in the year to teach us other unimportant things we don't need that are on the final. And I have no clue about them. And I need them if I want to stay in advanced math.

*le sigh* Nevertheless, I have to take these things and I am going to try my best to study. It's going to be hard as heck, but I hopefully have done the universe good to receive some good karma and ace these things.

I deserve it, dammit. LOL :P

Well, just to inform you before I go curl up in bed and rest my fried brain, I will tell you that LONG WAY FROM CONWAY WILL NOT BE UPDATED THIS WEEK. I have to focus and I just can't take much time away from studying this weekend. So, I'm really really sorry. I will make it up to you, I swear. Like, I have summer coming up in less than a month and I think I have a day of next week, so I'll update more frequently and make this up to you. Sorry :/

Well, that's about it for now. I apologize for the rant of paranoia here, but hey, I have a good reason. lol

Hope everything is well for all of you and, if you are going through any finals dramas yourself, I'm rooting for you and feel your pain! :P

xoxo -glambertrock :)

(it makes me smile, okay? LOL)

halp!, long way from conway, summer vacation, sad things, could strangle a chicken

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