Somewhere Only We Know-Klaine Drabble

Apr 03, 2011 16:14

A/N: Wrote this pretty fast! It's just my thoughts on what I think, according to some spoilers and my hopes, should happen when Kurt transfers to McKinley. This is dedicated for unpublicguy, because he asked me to write something happy,'s your pick-me-up ;D Enjoy!

"I'm transferring."

Those simple words shouldn't mean much to Blaine Anderson, lead singer of the awesome Dalton Academy Warblers and most loved boy in said academy, but it does. It means the world to him. It's the only thing that would equal a natural disaster to him in this giant jumbled up mess he calls his social life.

His boyfriend, Kurt Hummel, is leaving Dalton for McKinley.

Him and Kurt, ever since Kurt arrived at Dalton looking for an escape, have always been friends. Good friends, as a matter of fact. The minute Blaine saw Kurt's doe eyed look that appeared just because he sang a simple Katy Perry song, he knew this boy meant trouble. He knew that, someway, somehow, he was going to be attached to this....gorgeous person for quite some time. They went through their ups and downs, but through the end, Kurt always was by Blaine's side and Blaine always had a friend, Kurt, to lean on when he needed him.

Then, that one day before Regionals, things....changed.

It was a kiss that brought them so close. That kiss made Blaine's knees turn to jelly better than the Warblers's version of 'Animal' did to the girls of Crawford Country Day and took his love for Kurt to a whole knew level. It was then that he really started to believe that there was something....special about the boy with blue-gray eyes that started out as just a spy in his mind.

It made him want to win. And bad.

The moment the name 'New Directions' was said and Blaine assessed the look on Kurt's face, he suddenly knew things weren't going to be right. Kurt looked....hurt. Damaged.


He tried to make it better when they buried Pav, but nothing helped. Kurt sounded like he was torn and he couldn't stop mentioning the fact they didn't win. His eyes looked sad in a way that Blaine couldn't help but feel worried by. He could tell that something was to change soon.

He thought it'd be something like a break up or something, but the fact that it was transferring that Kurt had decided on was like a kick in the butt. A slap in the face.

A low blow.

"Kurt," Blaine begs, his knees shaking and threatening to collapse at any moment, "you can't be serious."

The look that registers on Kurt's face stings Blaine because, well, he's seen that face. The one where his head is drawn back and his eyes are a bit shocked as if they were to say 'oh really?'. Absentmindedly, he takes a step back from Kurt.

"I'm very serious, Blaine," he answers sternly, "and it's going to happen. Papers are already signed and-"

"How can you just leave me? After everything....after the kiss?"

Kurt rolls his eyes, and it scares Blaine for a second. That's not how a boyfriend is supposed to react to a question like that.

"I miss my friends, Blaine. Dalton's really confiding and, as nice as it is, I want to be more free to do what I want. All I ever do is sing behind you and listen to Wes and David duel it out about what song would better fit your vocal abilities all day long and it's sickening. Yeah, I'm flattered that you actually gave me something to sing, but.....I rather be at a school where I can get a solo because I want to sing. Not because my boyfriend convinced a few boys to allow me to. Besides, to add to this all, my parents are missing all these great opportunities because of Dalton's price."

"I'll pay for you," Blaine suddenly blurts out, mentally cursing himself for it, "and...I'll make sure Wes and them are more fair and give out solos to more than just me a lot more often. I'll do anything, Kurt. I swear."

"The papers are signed," Kurt says with a sad frown, "I'm sorry. But....don't be sad. I mean.....we can still see each other on weekends when you don't have to worry about leaving two hours earlier than your curfew to get home on time. And we can get coffee like usual, too, right?"

Blaine quietly nods, knowing what he said isn't going to happen in advance. He knows that once Kurt's back at McKinley, he'll slowly go back to hanging out with them and not him. He knows that he'll hang out with Mercedes much more and start turning down coffee dates or movie nights to go to Mercedes' house or even Rachel's house for a sleepover.

He knows this because it's what he's been doing to the McKinley kids since he transferred to Dalton.

Kurt must notice Blaine's discomfort about the decision because, in one swift movement, he cups Blaine's face and kisses the shorter boy deep and lovingly. Once it's over, Blaine's near tears. Kurt sighs and gives Blaine a giant hug, holding him close.

"I'll be okay, Blaine. Karofsky won't hurt me anymore. I won't let-"

"I didn't even think about that," Blaine chokes out in a panic. "What if he does? I mean, he couldn't have possibly come out, considering how stuck up he was."

Kurt just smiles. "Puck and Finn won't allow me to get hurt. Plus, Santana is kinda helping me. Did you know she came out?"

"As gay?"


"Well there goes all the fantasies of men of McKinley High out the window."

Blaine smiles as he hears Kurt laugh in his ear. He sounds happy. Excited almost. All the things he himself really doesn't feel about this. But that's beside the point at the moment because Kurt is now kissing his neck and is threatening to nibble his ear and, damn, he will miss this.

"I love you, Blaine," Kurt whispers when he reaches Blaine's ear, "and I always will."

Blaine nods ever so slightly to himself before returning the words because, deep inside, he knows Kurt does. He feels comforted in an odd sort of way by that. Very odd. He also feels inspired.

Inspired to do something risky that could cost him worse than just a chance at a discount at The GAP.


"I'm glad you all came to here for this very random meeting."

It's about 8:45 pm at Dalton when the meeting finally begins, and right now, the commons have never been so....filled to capacity. The Warblers are sitting in their normal seats, Wes sitting up front with David and Thad near his beloved gavel, but towards the back of the room are twelve very...unfamiliar faces to the Dalton 'household'. All of New Directions now is sitting in the back of the room on a few spare couches with confused and annoyed faces visably present. Puck is squished between Mercedes and Tina while Lauren is sitting near Finn and Santana. Quinn is next to Rachel on another couch and Brit is sitting on Artie's lap contently while she messes around with Mike's scarf while he sits on the leather couch. They look so confused.

So bored.

It's kind of hurtful.

"Why exactly are we here?" Rachel looks at Blaine with what looks like some sort of a glare. "My Dads were just in the middle of helping me warm up my vocals for my nightly concert I put on every day for them before bedtime and I really need to get back to it."

Blaine snorts. She never really changed, drunk or sober. Either way, she was one crazy person in his eyes.

"I've called this meeting because of Kurt's transfer back to McKinley."

"Dude, why do we have to come here and listen to your droning on about how you miss Kurt when we could be with some hot chick or something?"

Santana rolls her eyes at Puck and then folds her arms. "Even though that is not what most of us would be doing, I completely agree with Puck. Why are we here to hear about this?"

Blaine sighs and walks up so that he is face to face with New Directions. They don't look even one ounce as bit as eager as he is about this, and it's so easy to tell. Even the Warblers are visibly noticing because every few seconds, you can hear someone from behind Blaine go 'are they even listening?' or something else of the sort. Finally, Blaine decides to go for the kill and says what he needed to says, flat out.

"You all are here because, call me crazy, but I have to give Kurt some kind of....proper goodbye before he leaves. He needs to know that I love him and that I don't want anything to change at all because of this move."

"What do you have in mind Blaine," Mercedes asks with a smirk, "some kind of sexy song?"


"Oh dear Lord, no," Jeff groans, immediately getting the rooms attention, "not another 'attack'."

Just like that, the whole group of Warblers is fretting like mad men, their faces showing tons of distress as if they were actual birds who's cages just had been rattled.

More like tipped over, but whatever.

Finally, Wes bangs his gavel and, like that, the whole group is quiet again. Santana snorts loudly and then sends a huge smirk Wes's way, making the Warbler a bit flustered.

"Okay, that was awesome. They just listen up like that with a gavel? I want one of those."

"Santana," Blaine warns, "quiet with the sexual talk."

"You can have my gavel anytime, girl," Wes shouts quickly before hiding behind David. The whole room stares at him for a minute before turning back to Blaine. Blaine just groans.

At this rate, it'll take a month to even get a simple chorus down.

"As I was saying before the rude interruptions," he continues before anyone else can speak, "I want to give him a proper goodbye. That's why I want to do a song. But not just any song. I propose that we do a number that involves both New Directions and the Warblers. I call it, Operation Serenade."

"At least it sounds more mature than 'Gap Attack'," Thad whispers to Wes as he sits blankly at his side. Wes raises his eyebrow at him.

"So, what do you guys think?"

"I'm up for it," Sam says, popping up out of no where behind Mercedes, "as long as I get to be involved in it a lot. I mean, the dude liked me for a while. I deserve some inclusion here."

"I'm with Trouty Mouth," Santana adds.

Wes quickly bangs his gavel and, with a warm smile in Blaine's general direction, asks the all too important question.

"All in favor of participating in 'Operation Serenade'?"

The whole room, including New Directions, raises their hands.

So far, all is well.


You free tonight? Was thinking about movies at my place. Parents at party and Finn has some thing with Puck I think. xoxo -Kurt

Blaine stares at his cell phone speechless. Kurt wanted to....hang out?

Totally not planned.

At all.

Sorry, make up Warbler practice tonight. Will be missing you bb -Blaine

He texts back in the next minute with his torn response, expecting the complete worst to be said. Instead, he gets the exact polar opposite.

S'okay. I know how important Warbler practice is ;) luv and hugs to you <3 -Kurt

He feels kind of guilty inside, ditching Kurt for practicing a simple dance routine. It's kind of awkward.

Then again, he is ditching Kurt to practice something that could possibly be the sweetest thing he's ever done for him, so in a way, he shouldn't be feeling guilty.

But he just is.

Leaving a note on his parent's fridge, Blaine leaves his house and hops into his car. He then drives as fast as he can without getting pulled over to the McKinley High auditorium. Once finally there, he walks into what could only be described as the biggest make out session on the planet. Wes and Santana are kissing to death against a speaker, Thad and Brit are smacking lips on the freakin ground, and well, let's just say that many guys from McKinley are looking pretty angry. Sam sighs in relief at the sight of Blaine and runs faster than the speed of light up to him. He looks desperate.

"Thank God you are here, Blaine. My girl Santana is kissing WES of all people! Aren't I hotter than him? I...I got a gay kid to like me, why can't she like me and stay faithful?"

Blaine snorts and, with his pointer finger, pushes Sam away from him. "I pity you."

Puck is next to get up, this time being more forceful. "Dude, that Thad boy is sizing up my Lauren and that ain't cool. See to it that he stops before I let him see my fist hit his face."

"Fine," he says, caving. "Guys, girls, stop your kissing and gather up. It's time to practice our song for Kurt."

"You sure we couldn't just keep kissing, because Santana...whoa," Wes breathes out, fanning himself, "is hot."

"Guys, come on," Blaine groans. "We have all but two days to finish this. That's really fast compared to normal standards."

"Not to burst your bubble," Finn butts in, "but New Directions is known to be able to do good with only minutes to create a whole routine."

David gasps. "No way."

"Yes way."


"How's about we take a look at the word sheets, shall we?" Blaine hurries around the room and passes out sheets as fast as he can, ignoring David and Finn's weird time conversation easily thanks to how Kurt taught him to block out any sibling.

He can remember how, for that whole day, he listened to endless tapes of Finn just talking and talking like people actually cared about what he was saying without break. Kurt had smirked as he struggled to stay sane in that long period of time, and ever since that day, he's easily been able to just ignore whatever the freak Finn just....says.

It's smart, but tough to achieve pro status in.

As soon as all the song sheets are passed out, Blaine stands at the very front of the stage and smiles.

"I'm thinking that for the song we will mix all of our talents together," he begins, "meaning that the Warblers will do our normal harmonies and jams while New Directions sings along with instruments."

"This is a crack house," Thad grumbles under his breath. "A pure crack house."

"I am telling you, it'll work this way guys," Blaine assures frantically as he begins to lose the group. "Kurt will love it."

"What's with this title? 'Somewhere Only We Know'? It's not about gay sex, is it?"

"So I'm not the only one that was thinking that," Britney says triumphantly, earning looks from the other members and a high five plus a wink from Santana. Rolling his eyes, Blaine picks up his own sheet and motions for the group to stand, which they do.

"Okay everybody, let's begin practice!"



Blaine stands on the doorstep of Kurt's house with a beautiful bouquet of flowers and his heart on his sleeve, leaving Kurt speechless. Of course he left Kurt speechless, Blaine knows how to knock his boyfriend off his feet. Duh!

Reaching down, Blaine kisses Kurt's hand and smirks, his eyes practically sparkling. "Hello Kurt. May I come in?"

"Sure," Kurt says with a bit of caution, "come on in."

Blaine gracefully walks in and hands Kurt the big bunch of flowers, which Kurt quickly smells and sighs at.

"They smell beautiful, Blaine," he says as if he was on cloud nine, "and you look beautiful..."

"Only the best for you, my dear," Blaine softly speaks. "Now, let's go up to your room, shall we?"

Kurt smirks. "Ask my Dad that, Mr. Dapper."

"Oh Kurt-"

"Ask," he replies through a laugh, "and then come meet me up in my room with his answer, 'kay?"

Blaine can't help but let a laugh slip from his lips as Kurt climbs up the stairs to his room in his most sexy way possible. Kurt's always a tease. Always. Suddenly, from the couch, Blaine hears Burt clear his throat and sees his hand motion him over.

That either means danger or death.

It has to.

"Mr. Hummel," he casually says as he stands in front of him, "it's nice to see you."

"Why are you wearing that monkey suit over here?"

Blaine blushes a bit and looks down at his outfit. He's wearing a simple silver tux and shiny black shoes, nothing too extravagant in his mind, and his hair, he knows, is only barely gelled up in his normal style, how Kurt likes it. Frankly, he can't see how that's a bit crazy to wear.

"I wanted to look good for Kurt, Mr. Hummel."

"You're not gonna' ask him to marry you, are you?"

Choking on freakin air, Blaine shakes his head frantically, trying to get the point across that that is far from what he was there for. Burt seems to somehow understand because he quickly apologizes to Blaine.

"It's surely fine, sir," he gasps out, still in shock, "I can see why you would think that....gosh."

After an awkward moment of silence, Burt finally speaks up and breaks it. "I heard Kurt say you needed to ask me something. What exactly is it?"

"Can I go up into Kurt's room? I swear sir, I'm not going to pull anything on Kurt. I just.......tomorrow he's going to go to McKinley and....I guess....I just need to spend some time with him. I mean...he's everything to me, sir, and I just want to make him remember that before he goes away where I can't see him for about a week unless some weird thing happens. Can't you understand that, sir?"

Burt just stares at Blaine for a moment blankly, and during that moment, Blaine gets the feeling he's going to tell him to just go home and stop being such a sap, but then he gets the news he wanted. The words that he oh-so-wanted to hear.

"You can go up there," Burt approves with a small smile, "but that door has to stay at least forty-five degrees open or else it's over, got it?"

Blaine smiles and then runs on up to Kurt as fast as his feet can take him.

Gosh he loves Burt.


"I see he said yes," Kurt observes as Blaine walks in, closing the door halfway. "But it looks like he pulled the whole 'halfway' trick again."

"Yup," Blaine says with a hesitant laugh, "forty-five degrees."

"Could've guessed that for ya'. So, my dapper boyfriend, why exactly are you here?"

Blaine blushes and then climbs on the bed. He takes Kurt's hand in his and stares into his deep blue eyes.

"I wanted to spend some time with you before you leave."

"Oh Blaine-"

"No," he cuts off, placing a finger to Kurt's lips, "no talking from you. Let me say what I want to say."
Kurt nods and then kisses Blaine's finger playfully, getting a laugh out of the now nervously stiff boy in front of him. Kurt always knew how to make Blaine calm down.


"I want you to know that.....that I am willing to drive as far as I can to spend time with you, Kurt, if it means that I get to spend time with you. are my everything, Kurt..and.....and I don't want to lose you to McKinley if you must go there. I want to hear from you every day, whether it be in person or just a simple text that says how you are. I want to know that you are okay there. If Karofsky's bullying you, call me and I'll be there as fast as I can to either kick his sorry ass or comfort you, which ever you please. I'll do anything to keep what we have here going. I'm willing to lose time of my own to spend it with you, Kurt. I......I love you, Kurt. More than anything. I'll keep this love going forever like this, Kurt. I swear on Pav's little grave. I love you."

All is silent at that moment, and much to Blaine's surprise, Kurt looks teary eyed in front of him on the small yet comfy bed of his. His deep baby blue eyes are just so filled with emotion...Kurt can't possibly stay not crying for much longer.

"You can speak now," Blaine awkwardly blurts out after a moment, picking nervously at his finger nails. He feels like such a dork. Just then, though, he feels Kurt's hands on his face, and before he can react, their lips are touching, and they start to kiss. The kiss feels different than the ones they've shared before for some reason, and Blaine can't seem to figure out if it has to do with the fact that he admitted he loves the slightly taller boy or because of the other circumstances surrounding the talk, like the fact he said he was willing to do anything for their relationship.

It was one of them, though.

It feels almost like an out of body experience when Kurt brings Blaine slowly down on to him so that they are laying down on the bed together, kissing. Kurt is starting to make little barely audible moans as Blaine now kisses him at such an angle, and it's almost like a shock to the heart when Kurt's right hand starts to trace down Blaine's back, fingertips ghosting across the fabric there. Blaine sighs into the kiss and lets Kurt just kiss him for that moment in time. It feels like heaven.

Complete and utter heaven.

That is, until he hears Burt.

At the door.


Like a ninja, Blaine rolls off of Kurt onto the soft sheets that lay next to them and fixes his tux, blushing the whole way. Kurt quickly sits up and tries to reason with his now shocked father, but before he can get anywhere, Burt just starts to laugh. Freakin laugh.

"I knew this would happen," he says in the midst of his chuckles, "the minute Blaine told me why he wanted to come up here."

"So you come and interrupt, why Dad?" Blaine forces himself not to giggle at Kurt's annoyed expression right then and there. It wouldn't be right, for one thing, and for the could get himself possibly killed by this weird side of Burt he's seeing right now.

For pete sakes, this is the guy who showed Blaine his gun when he asked Kurt out for coffee.

Anything is possible.

"Because I knew things would start to....happen...and well...I didn't exactly want.."

"I should be on my way, anyway, Mr. Hummel," Blaine now says, earning a small whimper from Kurt. Little did the boy know that final rehearsal for his big surprise song was going on in the next twenty minutes and that Blaine had to leave for that. "Kurt does have to get up early to go to McKinley, anyway, right?"

"I hate you," he grumbles, arms folded. "I thought boyfriends were supposed to want to stay, not want to go."

"Boyfriends also want to live," Blaine replies, looking over at Burt, "so I must go. Love you, Kurt."

Receiving a small, chaste kiss from his dapper boyfriend, Kurt nods and lets a small 'love you too' slip from his lips before watching Blaine disappear from sight down the stairs.

"You just had to interrupt me during that kiss, huh?"

"Hey, I'm a Dad. It's my job."


Kurt arrives in his Navigator at McKinley with high hopes. He is wearing an outfit he specifically color coded for the occasion. Black and white to symbolize the mourning of his leaving from Dalton and white to symbolize his new beginning at McKinley High. He felt he couldn't have possibly made it any more picture perfect. Hopping out of his car, he spots a group of girls, his group of girls, standing near the steps of the outside lunch area happily chatting away. Smoothly putting on his hat, Kurt begins to walk over to them, bag perfectly slung over his shoulder and shoes quietly clacking against the nice concrete.

Rachel is first to notice him, pointing happily to the other girls in the group of three where he is. Then the whole group of girls runs over to Kurt, screaming his name in pure happiness. He welcomes them into his arms gladly, repeating over and over how he missed them too and how he was glad to see them also. It was a long overdue reunion between the three.

"You look gorgeous Kurt," Mercedes says with a sigh.

"I love the hat," Tina adds, making Kurt blush. "It really makes your outfit"

Just then, Kurt spots Quinn come running over to him, her blond hair down and flopping in the more graceful way possible in her face. She quickly approaches him and gives him a big hug, startling Kurt just a bit.

Rachel, Mercedes, and Tina for some reason just leave then.

Kurt just thinks there's some sort of thing going on between the four.

"Hi Kurt," she says once the hug is over, "welcome back!"

"Hey Quinn," he replies, "you look fabulous. Really."

"Thank you, so do you. You must love the fact that you can wear whatever now."

Kurt snorts out a laugh and then leans against the railing just behind him. "You have no idea. But....I kinda do miss the blazer. It actually has pretty coloring, to be honest."

Quinn laughs and then suddenly bites her lip. She looks nervous to Kurt, and that unsettles him a bit. Is Karofsky near? Is there some other bully he had no clue about behind him?

Was something wrong with his outfit?

"Kurt, do you...miss Blaine?"

Sighing, Kurt nods and looks down at his feet. "A lot."

"Well.....prepare to not miss him so much.."


Suddenly, Quinn hops out of the way from in front of him and points up to the top of the staircase. Only a second after, Blaine appears, followed by Wes...and the rest of the Warblers.

"Oh my..."

He looks down to the bottom of the stairs and sees the rest of New Directions form up down there, and the jazz band appears and goes to their instruments. They all just smile up at them, and faintly, Kurt wonders if this is what Jeremiah felt like when he noticed tons of boys in blazers with Blaine leading start to file into the small store.

Then again, this is like that times a billion.

He feels Quinn squeeze his shoulder and then watches as she quickly flees his side, a giddy laugh escaping her lips. He turns to his side to watch her go, but then before he can realize it, Blaine, his Blaine, is right in front of him, his gorgeous chocolate eyes staring at him in pure love. Kurt holds onto the rail just a tad bit tighter than before.

"What is going on?"

"You'll see," is all Blaine says before he too leaves him for the band. By now, most of the students that were casually sitting around are either waiting patiently to see exactly what is going to happen or have left the area in sheer hope of avoiding the creepy glee club performance that was to happen.

It's too late the second the Warblers start singing for them to go.

Blaine's in the front of them down by the band, and New Directions is scattered around them. Blaine's eyes are locked on Kurt, and frankly, Kurt may die from shock.

Or from a love explosion, but whatever.

"I walked across an empty land,
I knew the pathway like the back of my hand.
I felt the Earth beneath my feet,
sat by the river and it made me complete.

Oh simple thing, where have you gone?
I'm getting old and I need something to rely on.
So tell me when you're gonna' let me in,
I'm getting tired and I need somewhere to begin."

Kurt smiles as he begins to hear the faint accompaniment of the band. It really makes the Warbler's sound pretty. He kind of wonders why they never thought of doing a few songs with the music, but then Blaine's voice once again sounds.

"I came across a fallen tree,
I felt the branches all looking at me.
Is this the place we used to love?
Is this the place that I've been dreamin' of?

Oh simple thing, where have you gone?
I'm getting old and I need something to rely on.
So tell me when you're gonna' let me in,
I'm getting tired and I need somewhere to begin.

And if you have a minute why don't we go
talk about it somewhere only we know.
This could be the end of everything,
so why don't we go
somewhere only we know."

Kurt gasps as Blaine sprints up to him when the music silences. Blaine quickly takes Kurt's hands and kisses Kurt's right hand. Kurt nearly faints.

"Somewhere only we know."

From there, Kurt's suddenly taken by the hand down to where the band and the Warblers are and, before he can realize it, he is spun around in a dance.

He's dancing with Blaine at McKinley.

It makes his heart stop.

"And if you have a minute why don't we go
talk about it somewhere only we know.
This could be the end of everything,
so why don't we go,
so why don't we go."

Kurt feels like flying when he hears New Directions join in and sing the chorus for Blaine as they dance together. By now, a few happy tears are falling down his face, and Blaine is grinning with tears in his own eyes as he sings along with the group.

He could kiss him right now.

"...this could be the end of everything,
so why don't we go
somewhere only we know."

The whole band stops then, and it's just the Warblers. The dance slows, and Blaine is inches from Kurt's body, their hands intertwined. Blaine looks into Kurt's eyes seriously and bumps their foreheads together. A kiss is just waiting to happen.

"Somewhere only we know...."

Then, while the Warblers are still providing 'music', Blaine says, in only a whisper, the final lyric to Kurt, centimeters away from his face.

"Somewhere only we know."

And then, like that, Kurt feels Blaine reach up and kiss Kurt deeply, their bodies meeting so that they are sandwiched together as they kissed. Kurt feels Blaine's hand travel and finally rest in the back pocket of his black pants, giving Kurt even more of a chance to get closer.

People around them are clapping and cheering for the Glee Club and the Warblers, but a select few are clapping about the kiss.

Kurt and Blaine could care less.

"You sly dapper kid, you," Kurt mumbles to Blaine as their kiss ends. "That was beautiful. Much better than the whole ordeal with Jeremiah."

"It ended with me in my boyfriend's arms, kissing him and being as close to him as I'd ever want to be," Blaine whispers happily into Kurt's ear. "It's far better than Jeremiah."

"I love you, Blaine Anderson," Kurt admits with a sigh, "and I swear I'll never let you slip from my mind here. Gosh, i love you."

Blaine smirks and gives Kurt a giant hug, his arms easily wrapping around his love.

"You have no clue how much I've wanted to hear that from you. Oh, and Kurt?"

"Yes, my dapper and hot boyfriend who I love?"

Blaine snorts.

"Guess what?"


"Next year..."


"I'm transferring."

"Oh gosh."

~~~~~The End!~~~

they kissed, forgive me gaga, cuteness overload, trolling trolling trolling, canon, love, now i'm feelin so fly like a dcriss, klaine! oh my gosh, the group whose name includes a bird, blaine mc. clueless, rachel in the sky with gold stars, drabble, kurt the kutie, klaine, hugs, i am way too bored today

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