Long way from Conway (40/?)

Feb 08, 2011 15:06

Thanks to groffiction for this AMAZING banner :)

A/N: SUR-PRISE! :D I am home sick again today (boo) but my muse apparently isn't! :) HAPPY 40TH CHAPTER, GUYS! I hope to have many more in the future :) Luv you all so much and hope you enjoy the big revealing chapter this is ;) ENJOY!

About two minutes ago, Kris was just a normal boy faced with an abnormal problem that he had to deal with with his semi-normal fiance. Now, as he flips through the mail, he trips over a piece of mail with his name on it that soon will change his life forever.

Kris was now going to be just a normal father faced with an abnormal problem that he had to deal with with his semi-normal fiance.

He read the front with a bit of hesitation. It was addressed to him, Kristopher N. Allen, but had no information about where it was from accept for the letters 'LA'. He was puzzled by them in a way. He knew because of where they lived that wherever it was was somewhere in LA, but he had no clue who it was that sent the letter.

Little did he know, it was from the exact place where Crystal was.

Slowly and quietly, seeing that Leila and Adam were having a 'moment' together on the couch that really didn't deserve to be disrupted, Kris began to slide open the envelope, revealing what looked to be a pretty serious letter. He quickly discarded the envelope and focused his attention to the letter. Opening it up, Kris saw the words 'Jail' and 'Hospital' on it, followed by his name and, of all the names possible, Crystal's. Trying to be calm, he went on and read it.

Dear Kristopher N. Allen,

You are in need of assistance in a very serious situation. Crystal, who you may know, is in jail here in LA. She recently has gone through some medical problems due to a certain reason that we are uncertain of your knowledge of. The reason is this: Crystal is pregnant, and you are the father.

Suddenly, it felt like the whole world just rushed in to slap him in the face. His heart was racing, and his hands grew clammy.

Crystal was pregnant.

With his child.

This was not good.

"Adam," Kris called out, his voice full of shock. "C-come here, now."

Down at the couch, Adam jumped, his face anything but serious. "Gosh Kris, don't scare me like that. I kinda was just....are you okay?"

The sight Adam saw as he turned to look at Kris was anything but happy. It was dang near scary. Kris was frozen in shock, his eyes were wide, and his hands were trembling.

Either he had read something terribly good, or something terribly bad.

Practically jumping off the couch, Adam ran up to Kris and assessed what was going on, totally forgetting Leila, who now was sitting on the couch in confusion.

"Kris.....baby, what is it? Is it this letter?"

Kris slowly nodded and allowed Adam to take out the paper from his hands and read it. Just when Adam finished reading the part about the baby being Kris's, he dropped the paper and let out a strangled gasp, letting it fall to the table without question. He mirrored Kris's shocked expression, only he wasn't frozen like Kris was. Leila quickly got up and ran over to them.

"Adam, what's going on?" She asked in a worrisome voice. "Why are you and Kris so shocked???"

Clearing his throat, Adam just flat out said it. He was too shocked to care about his filter. "Crystal is pregnant with Kris's baby."

Leila gasped and snatched the paper. She then read what they had read, only she read the rest out to them so they could hear.

"This baby has been determined to be a baby girl and is almost six months of the way through her growth. She so far is very healthy and is thriving, thanks to around-the-clock check-ups to see how Crystal is treating her. We want to inform you, in case you didn't know, that you hold custody of this child, due to the fact that Crystal is in jail. You may, if you decide, give her up for adoption or do various other things, but first, we need you to come to the jail so we can test a few things and learn more about your genetic background, just to make sure we are treating your baby with all the care possible. We have planned for today at noon. Hope you can make it. Sincerely, Dr. Eve Lopez."

Leila looked over to the boys and sighed as she saw Adam hugging Kris tight to his chest, letting Kris just let his emotions. She always felt proud of Adam when he did things like that for Kris. She never could really believe how he could be so strong when Kris was crumbling below him.

Maybe that's why Eber and I didn't last, too.....

"Oh Adam," she heard Kris sob helplessly into Adam's chest. Adam just shushed him and waited patiently as Kris just cried his eyes out. Leila could only imagine what he was going through. He was just a teenage boy, and now he had to take on being a father? She couldn't even fathom how tough this moment in time was. Heck, when she had Adam with Eber, they clearly knew it and weren't even perfectly prepared and ready when he came. To find out just three months before the baby was born that you are supposed to be responsible for a human being's life when you aren't even expected to be responsible for your own life had to be brutal for Kris to think through.

Snatching the home phone from the counter, Leila dialed Kim and Neil's home phone number.

They deserved to know.


About an hour later, 11:16 AM to be exact, Kris and Adam were in Adam's bed just laying there silently when Adam decided to break the silence about the subject.

"Kris....are you okay?"

Kris shrugged. "I don't know what I am. My....my daughter is inside the girl who wants to kill you," he spat out bitterly, his face scrunching up in disgust. "That.....that's too much. I mean, how is that David guy gonna' save me now? We can't hit her point blank if she tries to shoot you."

"Hailey's the one that would do that, love."

"But what if Crystal does, Adam?" Kris asked, tears still falling from before. "Think about it....all this time she's wanted to kill you because you 'took' me away from you. Why would she just give Hailey that job instead of doing it herself the right way? And what if Hailey refuses? She could kill you, Adam."

"L-lets not think about that right now, Kris," Adam said quickly, as if to almost cut Kris off. Kris nodded in agreement and rested his head against Adam's shoulder with a sigh.

"You know, I'm keeping her."


"I'm keeping her," Kris said a tad bit louder, wiping a stray tear off his cheek. "I'm keeping my daughter."

"Kris, are you sure?" Adam asked uncertainly. Much to his grief, Kris looked back at him with a shocked look and moved away from him, nearly falling off the bed.

"Did you seriously just say what I thought you said, Adam?" He spat, making Adam wish even more that he could have taken back those words. "Did you seriously just say you didn't want this baby?"

"No, I never-"

"You implied it, Adam! You implied that you didn't want this baby! How could you?"

"Kris, let me explain!"

"There's nothing to explain, Adam!" Kris yelled back furiously. "I can't believe you!"

Suddenly, there were a pair of hands wrapped tightly around Kris's wrists and a pair of warm, pleading lips on his own. They were begging but loving at the same time, and after a few minutes of this, Kris relaxed and gave up fighting him. Adam then backed off and sighed, watching as Kris just stood there with his eyes to the floor.

"I want this baby, Kris," he began, looking straight at Kris's face even though he wouldn't return the gaze. "I want this baby more than you'll ever know. I was just wondering if you knew what you were getting yourself into. A kid while we're this young could ruin us, Kris. You want to go to collage, right?"

Kris shrugged. "Maybe. But what does-"

"Tons of girls with babies in collage have a hard time keeping up grades. By the time we're in collage, this baby will be almost one. Do you understand that, Kris?"

Kris thought for a moment silently, but then nodded sullenly. "I do."

"Also, it'll be a lot harder for us to provide for ourselves. You want a wedding, right?"

Again, Kris nodded. "Of course I do."

"How do you think we can provide money for that while we have a child to raise?"

"You're family and mine can-"

"Of course they can," Adam said soothingly, "but are they going to be the ones we turn to every day when we need money?"

"We can get jobs," Kris choked out.

"Without a collage degree, Kris? Even if you do go to collage, this baby will be almost five by the time you could possibly finish it. That's five years of money that we would need that we don't and wouldn't have without a good job."

"You sure you want a baby? Because all I've heard from you is what we can't do and what will be hard to do."

Adam sighed deeply. "I'm just telling you what we're going to get into if we-"

"I don't care what we have to go through if I keep this baby, Adam," Kris sternly stated, cupping Adam's face in his hands, "I just care that this baby will be safe from Crystal and will be loved by both me and you for her whole life. That's all I'm asking for from you, Adam. Can you do that?"

Adam gulped and then leaned in to kiss Kris's nose, making him finally smile for once. "Of course I can. I love you, Kris, and I can't wait to see how you are as a daddy."

Kris giggled. "I can't wait to see you change a diaper."

"Me?" Adam laughed. "Oh no, you're doing that. I don't care if I have to get up 24/7 every night, I'm NOT changing a diaper."

"What if the reason she's up is because of a diaper?"

"I'll wake you up and tell you to go change it."

"You suck."

"Love you too, baby."


About an hour later, Kris's family and Adam's family, minus Daniel and Neil for safety reasons, all reached the jail. The whole way to the jail, Kris and Adam were telling them their plans to keep the baby, and so far, everyone but Neil and Kim were for it. Kim was the only one that was kidding between the two, though. She was happy and for it, she just didn't want to be a grandmother that soon in her life. Neil on the other hand was just against him keeping it completely, mostly for some of the reasons Adam had pointed out to Kris earlier. Kris, though, ignored him for once and held his ground, and soon, Neil was forced to deal with it according to Kim.

"This is Kristopher's girl, Neil," she had said when she saw Kris began to tear up, "and he can do whatever he wants. She's in his custody, not ours."

So, there they were, walking into the cold, terrifying prison. Funny thing was that the front of the prison wasn't bad, really. They had a little lobby-like entrance in the front, and sure enough, Dr. Lopez, who had sent the letter, was waiting for them there. She smiled when she noticed Kris, identifying it was him from her papers, and walked up to the two families with a warm smile.

"Hello everyone," she calmly said, "I'm Dr. Lopez, I'm Crystal's 'doctor'," she air quoted with a weary smile, "for her pregnancy."

Everyone quickly shook hands, and then Dr. Lopez bit her lip with a frown.

"Um, sorry to say, but we can only take the parent in. Kris, would you please follow-"

"Can Adam come?" He asked before anyone could say a word. "He's going to be this baby's parent with me, anyway."

Dr. Lopez sighed as she realized what he meant. "Okay, fine. But no one else, I'm sorry."

Leila nodded and pulled Eber to a chair in the room. "It's fine, really."

"Okay, well, let's get a move on!"

Soon, after walking through a few hallways, the light surrounding them dimmed, and voices could be heard. Adam gulped.

"We have to take a walk through the open field where the prisoners usually have a little free time. Don't worry, they are all locked up right now, but just ignore what they say, okay?"

Nodding, both of the boys followed Dr. Lopez through a doorway, where the light all of the sudden grew bright and the voices became clear and loud as day. Tons of prisoners-all girls- stared at them for a moment in silence before shouting cat-calls at both of them, saying gross things they would do to them and really putting some fear into both of their hearts for their baby.

She had to hear that every day. It wasn't fair.

Soon, they were out of that part of the prison and into a new part. This one reminded them of a doctor's office. Peering through the rooms' windows, Kris and Adam saw women with injuries as small as a few bruises and cuts to women with arms in need of amputating and other despicable things of that nature.Finally, they found one with the ever scary Crystal in it, and entered. Crystal growled as she saw Adam.

"What the hell is HE doing here?"

"Visiting his child we never knew we HAD," Kris spat angrily in her direction, not wanting to look her in the eye. Crystal again growled.

"You're the only one WELCOMED here! This baby isn't HIS, it's OURS!"

"You keep thinking that," Adam whispered  under his breath, sitting down in a seat next to Kris, his eyes locked in on the spot where the bay was. He sighed.

"We all are here to have Crystal's six month check up," Dr. Lopez said, causing Crystal to gasp suddenly.

"What?" She yelped. "You said that I would be six months in three weeks almost a week ago!"

"Then you misheard what I said," Dr. Lopez said as she checked the baby's vitals. Crystal whimpered.

Her plan was all messed up now. Hailey wasn't ready to kill him yet. Heck, she herself wasn't ready for him to be killed yet.

It was time to get brainstorming.

After a minute or two, Dr. Lopez was ready with an ultrasound, dabbling some drops of a cool yet bouncy liquid on to Crystal's stomach. Any other girl would've giggled or said it was cold to joke around, but Crystal just stared into space, ignoring it completely.

"Ready to hear the bay's heartbeat, boys?" Dr. Lopez asked with a kind smile. Adam and Kris nodded, exchanging an excited look between them before turning to look at the small screen in front of them. For one moment, everything was quiet and the screen was blank.

And then a little thumping filled the room.

And a small figure appeared on the screen.

And then a tear left both of the boy's eyes in unison.

It was her.


To be continued........

kradam, long way from conway, love, craziness, adam lambert, banner, kim allen, daniel allen, kris allen, groffiction, hugs, family, neil lambert, conway, cuteness overload

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