Long way from Conway (39 part 1/?)

Feb 05, 2011 16:26

Thanks to groffiction for this amazing banner :)

A/N: Okay, so, just for you to know, the next part of this chapter will be up tomorrow. It's a big day, Superbowl and all, but I'll get it done. It'll be short I think, so don't be too rallied up, but just know it'll be there :) Sorry for this cliff hanger!!!! (yes cunningdeb, you now have to deal with them like the rest of us ;D) Anyway, enjoy!!!!

Leila knew Kim wasn't always the first to think things through, but she didn't know she'd be this crazy when doing something spontaneous.

They were standing right outside Hailey's house, just under her window, and currently, Kim was throwing pebbles-more like boulders-at it whispering "Hailey" in a very disturbing way. It was low and deep sounding, almost like how a hormonal teenage boy would sound, and gave Leila the creeps.

"Kim," she whispered apprehensively, "are you sure this is even legal?"

"Oh honey, you clearly don't know how I roll," Kim whispered before throwing another rock. "If I didn't take time to break the rules a few times then Neil wouldn't be my husband. And Kristopher wouldn't have gotten into his middle school, but that's beside the point."

Leila stared for a second at Kim and then let out a snort. "You're so weird."

"Weird, but effective. Now, get a few pebbles and help me out here. This girl's a heavy sleeper."

Sighing in defeat, Leila began to help. Soon, the light came on in Hailey's room, and the young girl opened up her window. Kim smiled.

"Who the hell are you?" Hailey groaned sleepily. Thankfully, the night darkness was hiding their identities.

"That's for us to know and for you to never find out unless you force us to," Kim growled. "Now spill it, princess. Are you gonna' do what Crystal asked of you to do?"

Leila could hear, even from that low on the ground, Hailey's breath hitch in surprise.

"How....how do you know about that? Who are you?"

"Just tell us," Kim snapped. Hailey looked down sadly.

"I....I don't know."

"Well, I suggest you don't. If not, we'll make sure you pay, sweetheart. We know all about everything, and we'd be mighty glad to turn you into the police."

"No!" Hailey yelped, immediately cursing herself for being so loud. "I.....I don't want to go there....but-"

"But?" Kim asked with fear. "But what?"

"But," Hailey sighed, "Crystal is forcing me to. There's nothing I can do to stop her."

"Yes there is," Leila calmly said, getting her attention. "You can choose to go against her. What is she going to know if you trick her? You can say you are going to go through with this to her, but then when the time comes.....you can say no to her. You can go against what she wants and fire the shot somewhere else. You can get rid of the gun and not do it. You have the power to shape your future, not Crystal. Think about it, sweetie. She's just manipulating you."

Leila watched as Hailey began to sob uncontrollably. Her heart ached for her. She had a lot of pressure on her.

"I'm soooooo sorry," she sobbed, "I...I can't do that. I'm so sorry."

And as fast as she had opened it, Hailey closed her window tight.

Kim and Leila's plan had failed.

"Leila, I..I'm sorry."

"No," Leila replied, a few stray tears leaving her eyes, "it's not your fault, Kim."

"It's mine."


Back at Adam's house, he and Kris was lying in bed together watching 'Tangled' and eating popcorn in each other's arms. Adam was in a loose black tank-top like t-shirt and his long black sweatpants and Kris was in the same thing only in white. They were spooning and were having a good ol' time together laughing at all the funny characters in the movie.

It soon came to the part in the movie where Rapunzel's mother kidnapped Rapunzel and 'Eugine' came to save her. Eugine was already stabbed, and now, he had just cut off Rapunzel's hair to save her. Kris had tears in his eyes and soon began to cry. Adam looked down in confusion at his love.

"Kris, are you okay?" He cooed. Kris shook his head and nuzzled closer to Adam.

"I'd never be that strong for you."

Adam snorted. "What do you mean, Kris?"

"I wouldn't be able to take the bullet for you, Adam," Kris quietly said with a stifled sob. "When Hailey tries to shoot......I don't think I could take that bullet for you."

"Oh," Adam said. He understood now. "Kris.....I wouldn't want you to."

"Why?" Kris asked in surprise. "I thought you would want me to..."

"I would never want you to die to save me," Adam quietly admitted. "If I were to survive and you were to die.....I....I couldn't bear to live without you. I couldn't bear to know that the reason I was alive was because you died, Kris. I.....I'm not as strong as you think."

Suddenly, Kris's lips were on Adam's, trying to give him all the comfort he could possibly give in that moment. Adam was so vulnerable, and his vulnerability made him even more attractive to Kris. But, that was the last thing he could think about. Adam was already thinking about what he would want to happen if he died, and that didn't sit well with Kris. Kris climbed out of Adam's hold and sat on his stomach, pinning him down.

"Kris, I'm not in the mood for anything like this," Adam whispered, "and especially not while a Disney movie is playing in the background."

"This is no time for plain ol' sex, Adam," Kris sternly said. "It's time for you to stop thinking about Crystal and think about us and our relationship. If we don't have much time together, then we need to spend it to the fullest way possible and with the most love we can muster."

Adam sat up and gently kissed Kris's soft lips, tears in his eyes. Kris leaned into the kiss, slowly lowering Adam's head to his pillow, and began to explore his lover's body with his hands. Adam leaned into every touch, every caress, every shock-wave of feeling he felt from Kris, all the while kissing Kris and murmuring how much he loved him. His heart was full of all the love in the world for Kris as Kris began to explore lower, enjoying the sounds Adam made every once in a while. Soon, things became heated, and Kris was devouring Adam to the point where neither could expel a single coherent word. Things progressed fast, and soon, the boys were shouting each other's names to the heavens, their lips pressed flush together and their hands intertwined in sheer love. Once they were down from their highs, Kris was once again crying. Adam sighed and pecked him on the lips.

"What could possibly be wrong, now?" Adam breathed, delicately placing more kisses afterwords to Kris's forehead.

"Nothing," Kris sobbed with a small smile, "I just can't imagine things being more perfect than they are at this moment. I...I love you so much, Adam."

With one of his big genuine smiles, Adam hugged Kris tight to his chest and replied.

"I love you too, Kristopher."


"I've made my decision, baby," Crystal quietly whispered to her stomach in a shaky and apprehensive tone. "I'm gonna' let Hailey go through with the original plan. Adam will go down in flames on your 6th month being alive in there."

Crystal sat down on her bed and pulled her shirt up a bit, revealing her now-growing belly. She then began to trace her finger across it, giggling as it tickled her.

"I'm gonna' raise you better than me. Your daddy is a gentleman, so he'll watch over you, little girl. I promise you."

Crystal rested her hand on her stomach and could feel a slight second heartbeat going below her skin. It made her smile.

"You are gonna' be one little spitfire, huh? Hopefully just like your father."

Suddenly, Crystal felt something was wrong. She immediately sat up and rested her hand over her stomach. Then, a shooting pain hit her hard around the area where it was resting, and Crystal let out a loud yelp. Fear shot through her body and made her freeze in place.

That is, until the pain came back again.

It felt horrible, and knowing a few things about babies, she just couldn't help but think this was the beginning of a miscarriage. Worried about what to do, Crystal decided to yell for help.

"GUARDS! GUARDS, PLEASE, HELP ME!" She screamed, thanking God that they came to see what was wrong. One guard, a girl, saw her clutching her stomach and looked at the others with a slight bit of fear.

"Crystal, is your stomach hurting?"

"Bad," Crystal yelled, wincing as another shot of pain hit her. The guard immediately sent for the doctor and made Crystal lay down.

She may have been one of their worst criminals, but the guard knew enough to not let a defenseless child suffer or even die because of it.

"Everything's going to be alright," the guard said soothingly as tears streamed down Crystal's face.

"It'll be okay."


To be continued........

kradam, halp!, long way from conway, love, adam lambert, forgive me gaga, banner, kim allen, kris allen, groffiction

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