Title: A Thin Line
Author: Wizardesslyn
Pairing: Adam/Tommy, Adam/Kris/Aaron, Adam/OC/Aaron (It will make sense, I promise)
Rating: NC-17 (mostly and to be safe)
Warnings: M/M sex, intense situations, some BDSM in parts, Adult content. Death situations. Angst. Cliffies will happen due to the nature of the story. I promise to keep them light and not to do them on purpose. A/U
Disclaimer: This story is straight from my head. I used real people names and persona's but otherwise, this never happened. Pure fiction.
Summary: Adam's identical twin brother had always been a problem for him. They just couldn't seem to get along no matter how hard Adam tried. Aaron was always in Adam's way, or so it seemed to Adam.
Thanks to groffiction for the great banner!
A/N: Ok, you can start hating on me now....I wont blame you. The cliff at the end of this chapter is really unforgivable, but I had to do it. At least the second part of this chapter will be up quickly, in the am, after work. Do not stone me! Second half is dark as well. Death situations. At least, on the bright side, I got the first part posted today?? Meh....sorry guys!
I would also like to take a moment to think about Tommy and his family.........Thanks.
Chapter 22a