Title: The Dangling Conversation, Part III + epilogue
Author: pulaski_casimir
Pairing: Adam Lambert/Kris Allen
Rating: R, for language and sexytimes
Summary: All at once, I can feel my heart pitch itself against the back of my throat, striking up fires behind my eyes, pulling hard at every nerve in my body to get out of bed and out of this apartment and out of this life, to show up on your doorstep and grab you by the waist and prove to you that this, this, this is everything.
Notes: This is now AU, since Kris ended up winning instead of Adam. I'm also glad to say that it's pretty apparent that none of this angst is happening between them right now (seriously, guys, feel the luuurve), so that part is AU as well.
Also, this is the last installment of the series.
If you haven't read them, here's
Part I &
Part II (
You press softly on the words, but there’s a solid weight behind them, a weight made of too much lost sleep and too much hurt and the things I know you must remember-my breath between your shoulder blades, the taste of the freckles on my bottom lip, the blush that blossoms along the skin between my hip and thigh. )
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