Title: Without Words ~14/?~
Author: saar_fantasy
Pairing: Kris/Adam
Rating: PG-13
Type: AU
Warnings: Mute!Kris, very extreme trust issues,dealing with trauma, angst (as usual)
Summary: Adam is a guidance counselor in a community service for people, not only children, with physical and mental disabilities. He absolutely loves everyone of them. But when the new guy, who for some reason isn't able to talk anymore, comes in; the feeling of love gets a whole different meaning...
Disclaimer: nothing really happened. It's just my imagination in overdrive
Notes: Previous chapters can be found here in my ongoing fic list:
http://saar-fantasy.livejournal.com/63268.html My completed fic list can be found here:
Beautiful banner. Made by the wonderful
youkeyh A/N: Ok, so I know this has taken me for-fucking-ever. But....I was busy with other stuff and I actually had to fight my way back into writing Kradam and get my head into all of my stories again, but I think I'm winning against whatever was holding me back now.So, YAY! for that. LOL. Now have a very emotional chapter which did make me tear up myself, so, yeah... Enjoy?
P.S. I went to Friends Only, so if you want to read this just leave me a message. Or add me, then I'll add you back
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