Title: Kickin’ It On Route 66
State: California ~ Chapter 8-3 (Final Chapter)
author: cunningdeb
Rating: PG
Pairing: adam/kris, OMCs
Summary: The Allen-Lamberts take a road trip along Historic Route 66
Disclaimer: I don’t own Adam or Kris. This story is fiction. Other major characters are fictional; the places they visit in this story are real. Imaginary character created for part of this trip.
Dedicated to adamluvr36_fic ~ just because ♥
This is it guys … the end of the road! Want to thank everyone who has been with me and the Allen-Lamberts through this looooonnnnggg but incredibly fun journey. To those of you who haven’t it read it yet, I hope you enjoy it.
There will be an epilogue and I’ll try to post it next Thursday but if not, I will as soon as it’s done.
Please read at my journal ~