Title: Kickin’ It On Route 66
State: Oklahoma ~ Chapter 4-6
author: cunningdeb
Rating: PG
Pairing: adam/kris, OMCs
Summary: The Allen-Lamberts take a road trip along Historic Route 66
Disclaimer: I don’t own Adam or Kris. This story is fiction. Other major characters are fictional; the places they visit in this story are real.
Dedicated to adamluvr36_fic ~ just because ♥
Warning #1: In good conscience, I couldn’t have them in Oklahoma City and not visit the Oklahoma City National Memorial, the site of the terrorist bombing in 1995. If you find the subject too sensitive, feel free to pass on these scenes. The lightheartedness of the story returns later in the chapter, though ends on a bit of a sour note.
Warning #2: More yumminess ahead. You knew that was coming LOL
Please enjoy at my journal ~