Title: The Deal (3/?)
Author: Amberwinters
Pairing: Adam/Kris
Rating: PG-13/R
Summary: AU fic where Adam Lambert has unfairly earned a bad reputation in the LA music and theater scene but is lucky enough to be cast in a cabaret showcase that is co-produced by mega star Kris Allen. Only there is a catch…a deal.
Wordcount: 1989
Notes: Thank you all for your comments and encouragement. Here is the next installment. Would love to hear all comments and concrit.
Warnings: Not too many to start except some cursing and adult scenes. As a general warning one or both of them become assholes at times that may piss readers off. I will update specific warnings as we go.
Part 1:
http://amberwinters.livejournal.com/62002.htmlPart 2:
http://amberwinters.livejournal.com/62345.htmlPart 3: