Title: The Key To Our Soul ~7/?~
Author: saar_fantasy
Pairings: Adam Lambert/Kris Allen, Noah 'Puck' Puckerman/Kurt Hummel (there will probably be mentioned a few more, but these are the main ones)
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: none really
Spoilers: none
Genre: Humor,Romance, Music, AU, American Idol cross-over/Glee cross-over
Word Count:: ~2.600
Disclaimer: As much as I wished I did, I don't own any of them.
Summary: Adam Lambert and Kurt Hummel, both friends; and most importantly, both openly gay; sign up to audition for American Idol in New York. They both hope to make a singing career out of it, neither of them expecting to get so much more...
http://saar-fantasy.livejournal.com/221897.html P.S. I went to Friends Only, so if you want to read this just leave me a message. Or add me, then I'll add you back