Title: The Servant (9/?)
Author: Amberwinters
Pairing: Adam/Kris
Rating: R
Summary: AU fic where Kris Allen is forced to join a barbarian army and serve the immoral but beautiful Prince of Agbeko. Although he is lucky enough to be escape the cruel fate of a foot soldier, Kris must endure being the personal servant of the devil himself.
Wordcount: 3054
Notes: Not too long a wait this time. Enjoy! Thank you for all your comments and support. All concrit and comments are welcome.
Warnings: This fic contains minor character deaths, servitude, non-con, abuse, death, violence, cursing, underage sex, adultery, child abuse and rape. I will update warnings as we go.
Part 1:
http://amberwinters.livejournal.com/52880.html Part 2:
http://amberwinters.livejournal.com/53017.html Part 3:
http://amberwinters.livejournal.com/53455.html Part 4:
http://amberwinters.livejournal.com/53722.html Part 5:
http://amberwinters.livejournal.com/53779.html Part 6:
http://amberwinters.livejournal.com/54020.html Part 7:
http://amberwinters.livejournal.com/54364.html Part 8:
http://amberwinters.livejournal.com/54712.html Part 9: