Title: Think of the Shineys!
glamamyGenre: crack, comedy, chibi
Warnings: Naked chibis
Rating: pg-13
Pairings: ReitaxRuki
Synopsis: Chibi style fanart based on
this fanfiction by moi
Comments: at end
Artists Comments:
I'm back bitches!!!
Does anyone actually remember me? I've been on hiatus for nearly a year! But I finished uni FOREVER on Thursday and now I'm entering the joyous world of unemployment so I have plenty of time to waste on here now.
If you like this please comment, it's my first time posting a wee doodle of mines on livejournal and I have stacks of them so if you like I may post more.
Also to anyone who remembers my fanfictions I'm working on finishing an AoixUruha they might finally have sex
Ammmm... I think I've rambled enough... Oh but I do have a confession to make I have become addicted to the dark side that is tumblr so I set up a wee glamamy account on tumblr, so if you have a tumblr follow me
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