Daily Themes+25 for posting on the designated day, +10 any other day. Please follow directions and label correctly, or I won't know how many points to give you!
Debate/Discussion+10 for each comment over 3 sentences long. We encourage you to express your opinions, so please feel free to add some personal input on this current subject. The debate doesn't end until a new one is posted, so make sure to keep checking back for additional comments on what you have posted!
Language ExchangeA new sentence is posted each week in english, and the idea is to translate it into another language. +10 for commenting in this entry with a translation of the sentence, make sure you specify what language you are translating it into!
Scavenger Hunt+15 for filling out our list of items with pictures you can search for anywhere. Make a seperate post with the heading "Scavenger Hunt" to participate.
Weekly Theme+10 for submitting a text entry responding to our theme topic. Add +5 to that if you submit some pics with your entry.
Coloring Project+10 for copying and coloring our picture. Make a seperate post with the heading "Coloring Project" to participate. Have fun and be creative!
Weekly Survey+10 for copying, pasting, and filling out our weekly quiz. You get to stick in info all about yourself here, so have fun!
Cyber Shopping(new!)+10 for posting your shopping spree with all of the details. +40 if you win the contest! A new event comes out every two weeks, please take care to follow the rules.
Advice ColumnFollow the instructions for sending in a question, or respond to a question via this post. +10 for all suggestions over 3 lines.
Sorority Smack-DownThis is a member-vote off. We all submit ballots as to who should be voted out of both sororities, the three sisters with the most votes must leave the sisterhood. It frees up some space for new applicants, but of course they may re-apply. This is a showdown to show who really deserves to be considered a sister.
Battle of the Brains
This is a debate between the designated Brains of both KAE and DSX. The whole community watches as the Brains battle it out on the designated topic for the privledge of making a submission to our Wall of Honor, and also +30 points.
Sorority Siren
A face-off between the Beauties of both KAE and DSX. When this competition is posted, the beauties submit pictures of themselves in order to win a place in our Glam Magazine, along with +30 points.
Let's See What Cha Got, Bi-otch!
This is a competition between the Bitches from DSX and KAE. They will compete in a competition defined upon submission to see who is worthy of the title of Public Defender. The winner will receive an honored place on our page of Public Defender history, with an evil-looking picture and a quote accredited to your termand +30 points.
MVP/Art Gallery
This is where the MVPs from DSX and Artists from KAE diplay or describe their accomplishments. Awards will be given for the highest achiever and a picture or their work will be displayed in our Gallery, along with receiving +30 points.
Talent Show
This is specifically for the Undefinables of DSX and KAE. They will display or describe a talent of their choice, then the community will vote for the winner. The winner will receive a place in our Talent Show history and also +30 points.
This is not an activity, but something used in extreme situations. It is similar to member challenges in other communities, but here throwing down the Gauntlet is something done by one member in reaction to another if differences cannot be resolved, or if they are affecting the community in a negative way. This method is highly offensive and should only be used as a last resort if the sister is not voted out in the Sorority Smack-Down. Use with extreme caution!
Allstars, click here for an extensive list of activities and positions to chose from as your own.