Oct 01, 2005 08:51
lol So im writing in here again cuz i just .. ya know.. feel like I should. lol ANYWAYS So school has been going alright. Little hannah has a heart beat thing that records her heart beat that she has to carry around all day, and everyone has been asking about it so we got tired of telling the same story over and over again we just told everyone one else that it was her new Ipod lol. Homecoming was this past weekend, it was cool . me britni lauren her boyfriend mattie melissa tiff sammie clark and another kid i forgot his name , went to the yatch club and ate dinner then are crazy limo driver chased down some guy that flicked us off , oh and by the way our limo driver shot his hand with a gun 5 days be4 HC so we were just a tad bit freaked out. But we are still alive so its all good. At HC i stayed for about an hour but then i started getting the worst head ache ever.so i went home :( but o well i had fun while i was there.
anyways... its nice to be back lol