Glam Kink Meme Post #1

Aug 11, 2010 20:25

The Glam Kink Meme Post #1 is now open.

Have fun prompting, writing, reading, and feedbacking. :)

ETA: All prompts are listed here.

ETA2: All filled prompts are archived here.

ETA3 This post is now CLOSED to new prompts.

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Brooke/Cam: dancing anonymous August 12 2010, 00:54:30 UTC
Cam complains about two left feet and Brooke helps find her ~sexy.


Re: Brooke/Cam: dancing anonymous August 12 2010, 00:59:14 UTC
... how did I not know I needed this like air? DW


Re: Brooke/Cam: dancing casey270 August 12 2010, 01:55:50 UTC
femslash is too close to my heart to be able to write it, but i would love whoever does


Re: Brooke/Cam: dancing hadmyheart August 12 2010, 02:59:55 UTC
Good god, I didn't even know I wanted this.


FILL: Brooke/Cam - Show and Tell part1 anonymous September 6 2010, 09:04:54 UTC
It starts off with a dare. Game night on the bus, just Tommy and the girls because Adam was off doing interviews all day and needs his sleep undisturbed and Monte's on Skype with his wife ( ... )


Re: FILL: Brooke/Cam - Show and Tell part1 anonymous September 6 2010, 09:17:27 UTC


FILL: Brooke/Cam - Show and Tell part2 anonymous September 6 2010, 09:26:05 UTC
Cam tries to remember how much of the bottle she had, but can't bring herself to care as the warmth of Brooke's leg rests against her side, feeling the heat of it even through sweatpants. When a minute passes without either of them saying anything, just Brooke's fingers carding through her hair, Cam turns her face and presses her nose to Brooke's thigh. The hand in her hair stills and Brooke repeats herself ( ... )


FILL: Brooke/Cam - Show and Tell part3 anonymous September 6 2010, 10:21:13 UTC
I feel a need to mention that I have never written femmeslash before. So, uhm. Apologies again. /o\__________ ( ... )


Re: FILL: Brooke/Cam - Show and Tell part3 janesgravity September 6 2010, 10:28:20 UTC
ffffffff ... never, ever apologise, this is so good


Re: FILL: Brooke/Cam - Show and Tell part3 anonymous September 6 2010, 10:33:02 UTC



FILL: Brooke/Cam - Show and Tell part4 (final) anonymous September 6 2010, 10:52:20 UTC
Cam fucks her fingers in and out of Brooke, tongue swirling around her clit rapidly, until she feels Brooke clench down around her fingers, almost at the edge. When Cam looks up she sees Brooke's lips moving, but it's only after a moment that she realizes Brooke is saying her name, over and over again, and Cam nearly loses it, pushing it further, a fourth finger, because Brooke can take it, easy, and because it's beautiful, how soft and wet and warm Brooke feels inside, and Cam needs to push her over the edge, needs to make her come, so fucking hard, tight around her fingers. And she is so close herself, it wouldn't take much at all, really, and she moves a bit, straddling one of Brooke's thighs as she continues to fuck Brooke with her fingers ( ... )


Re: FILL: Brooke/Cam - Show and Tell part4 (final) janesgravity September 6 2010, 11:06:17 UTC
... I think I love you *_*


Re: FILL: Brooke/Cam - Show and Tell part4 (final) anonymous September 6 2010, 11:07:57 UTC



Re: FILL: Brooke/Cam - Show and Tell part4 (final) eloiserummaging September 6 2010, 17:02:53 UTC
oh my god. dfskkakfd;ksja;fkd dead. This is wonderful and SO hot--I really love Cam here especially.


Re: FILL: Brooke/Cam - Show and Tell part4 (final) crashcart9 September 7 2010, 11:36:59 UTC
Hoshit. TBH, even though I'm a femslasher first and foremost, I didn't even consider the possibility of any in Glamdom. So this just blew my mind in more ways than one. I ship it.


Re: FILL: Brooke/Cam - Show and Tell part4 (final) anonymous September 7 2010, 12:00:10 UTC
Gosh, thank you :D

The ladies on this tour are just way too fucking hot for there not to be any. And the lack of femmeslash was making me so, so sad!


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