Jul 11, 2010 02:24

♬ Frequently Asked Questions ♬
(Adapted from hs_bingo and kradingo)

♬ What’s Allowed?
-Any fic that features Lambliff/Adommy/Ratbert/Atom or any other pairing name for Adam Lambert and TommyJoe Ratliff. -friendship, slash or anything else you can think of, as long as both Adam and Tommy are featured.
-other characters and pairings may be included as well, but Adam/Tommy must be the main focus
-Any rating goes, but ratings and any warnings must be posted outside of the cut.

♬ What’s not allowed?
-Work that has been posted before. Everything on here should be new!
-Work that does not have Adam/Tommy as a main pairing.

♬ What can be submitted as a fill?
Works that can be submitted are:
-Art work
-Rec list
-Pic spam

♬ What are the requirements for the fills?
these are just the minimum requirements. If you feel inspired feel free to make them as long/large as you like

-Fanfic : 500 words
-Art work : Medium sized (400x400 pixels)
-Icons : Set of 10
-Rec list : 10 recs
-Podfic : 500 word fic
-Pic spam : 20 pics
-Videos : 1 minute
-Mixes : 10 songs

♬ What are the rules for a rec list entry?
-You must give credit to the author of the work you are putting on your rec list.
-You may not rec works that are being used as entries in this bingo.

♬ What are the rules for Podfic?
-If using a fic that is not your own, give proper credit and get the author's permission before you use it.
-You must include a link to the actual fic that you will be reading as well as a download to your podfic.
-The fic that you choose to read can NOT be one that was written and submitted as a prompt fill for this bingo.
-For podfic, you can use a fic that has been previously written, however the recording you do must be new, specifically made for this bingo.

♬ What are the rules for Mixes?
-Your songs must be uploaded to a long lasting file sharing site (such as mediafire, megaupload etc) and must be saved in a .zip format.
-A track list must be included and you must have explanations for each song as to how it fits your prompt.
-When you post your mixes, don’t post the download links directly on the glam_bingo community page. Instead, link them back to your journal and have the download links listed there, along with a track list.

♬ “There are prompts that I find triggering and don’t want on my bingo card” or “I received a card with a prompt that I have an issue with.”
-In situations like this, please contact one of the mods and we will asses and discuss the issues and decide on a plan of action from there. However, we will not simply grant someone a new card just because they aren’t happy with what they received. The issue must be serious enough (ie: Finding a type of kink fic triggering.) or we will not entertain the idea of giving you a new prompt. (Example: Valid reason: Finding a type of kink fic triggering. Invalid reason: not liking a certain tv/movie and not wanting to write about it.

♬ Can I make a series?
-Certainly, but each new entry in that series can only be used to fill one prompt space.

♬ I have a piece of work that I made for another bingo I am currently involved in that fits one of my prompts here as well? Can I use it as a fill on my glam bingo card?
- As long as it is a new fanwork, not made previously to signing up and the other mods say that it’s ok, feel free to use work that will cover different bingos. Just make sure that when you post it for another bingo, you state in the notes that it is also being used for glam_bingo. Also include when posting on glam_bingo, what other bingo you are posting it in, just so we are aware of what’s going on.

♬ When should I post my work to the community?
-Posting starts on DATE HERE and ends on DATE HERE . You may only post your work to the community once you complete a bingo or your entire card is filled.

♬ Can I post my bingo entries to other communities?
-Yes, but make sure to state that it is an entry for glam_bingo

♬ I would like to request a new card
-In order to receive a new card you must complete at least one bingo on it. Use the prompts you like the most and then request a new one. You aren’t stuck with one card for the whole time, but you need to complete at least one bingo before we will give you a new one. Also, if you complete your entire card and would like a new one, let us know and we’ll give you a new one!
However, as mentioned above, if there are any serious issues please contact a mod.

♬ Can I do different types of works for my fill or must each bingo be made of the same type of work?
-You can do any type of work you want as long as it fills the prompt. If you want to have fics, art and icon sets submitted as the prompt fills required to complete a bingo, that’s fine.

♬ What does the Wild Card spot on my card mean?
-A wild card spot is found in the middle of every bingo card we give out. This is a space where you have the freedom to choose a prompt from the masterlist of prompts or create a prompt of your own. You still must fill this space on your card if it’s in your bingo, however you can do whatever prompt you want.

♬ How does scoring work?
-Please see the scoring/points section for more information on how scoring works.

♬ You haven’t answered my question…
-If you have a question that wasn’t covered here, or would like more clarification on anything, please feel free to contact one of the mods!

The Mods for glam_bingo are
gargoyles42 and wildcat92
Also, comments on this post are screened, so feel free to just contact us here.


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