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Jan 03, 2009 16:04

So, I missed Christmas and New Year. Hope that everyone had a lovely time and that 2009 is a most excellent year, sans illness!!

We're all mostly better. I have an occasional cough--like an occasional table, but doesn't leave the room so cluttered--bad jokes, and an ear infection. Dave has a much worse cough, but no ear infection. Lucas has a tiny occasional cough and I've managed to improve his social graces by teaching him to cover his mouth when he coughs. It is seriously cute :)

As a bonus, I have bugger all appetite, so have missed out on so much lovely food. I've undoubtedly lost weight, but as I was scales-shy before December even started, I can't even crow about that :P I'm hoping to regain a certain amount of interest in cooking before we all turn into ready-meal boxes. You are what you eat, they say...

And now I go to practice being an action hero! LEGO Indy on the Xbox beckons :)
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