Title: untitled
Pairing/Characters: Tommy Joe Ratliff/Isaac Carpenter
Rating (Word Count): NC-17 (100)
Warning(s): PWP
Author's notes: Carliff PWP, unbeta'd fun :)
“So close,” Tommy moaned as he worked his fist over his cock.
“C’mon beb, come for me. Let me hear you. Wanna be there to feel you inside me. So thick, deep inside of me. Are you gonna do it when I get home? Need you to pin me down; fuck me ‘til I can’t move without feeling you.”
“Oh fuck, your mouth,” Tommy said just before he came hard over his own hand.
“Better now? Only three days and I’ll be there,” Isaac said softly.
“Miss you so much.”
“You too, beb. I love you. Now get some sleep.”