(no subject)

Feb 15, 2005 11:02

ugh ok so yesterday was officially the worst valentines day ever. being sick is not cool what so ever. so while most people are at school with their dear loved ones, i'm at home puking and sleeping. honestly i was asleep from nine am till eight thirty pm. it was CRAZY. i want to come back to school. and i know that sounds weird but i hate make-up work and i want to see all of you. ugh.
so after puking my brains out for the past two days i decided to have a fun expiriment. here are the conditions.
||| no food (because i threw it up and i haven't eaten yet) for 2 days |||
||| no exercise|||
||| 24 hours of sleep|||
now the expiriment was to see how much weight i lost. and i lost 4 pounds.
so i've been watching the telle all day long. ugh. tv gets SO boring after like an hour. i swear i want to go running outside or something. my mom bought the grudge. i swear that is the stupidest movie ever. it couldn't hold my attention for like 30 minutes. i got bored and that's why i'm on here right now. i'm so uber hungry. i think i'll make some pot stickers or a sandwich.

and one more thing.... hApPy bIrThDaY jAsOn!

<3 jamie-allyn
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