look at the time biznatch

Feb 03, 2005 13:57

muahah its only 2 and i'm on my live journal! score. i turned in my power point presentation which i failed horribly. but hey thats ok. it was on jamaica. and i made a slide about famous people just so i could put bob marley on there. ahah i hope i don't get points taken off for that.

last night i sat infront of the mirror for like 3 hours just playing guitar. it really inspired me... and umm i have no idea why. but like i can finnally sing and play at the same time. go me.

so here's what i signed up for next year
english 3 seminar
algebra 2
biology 1 theory
world history seminar
band 2 (embedded)
spanish 3 honors
french 1 (embedded)
jazz band

and umm yeah thats about all i have to talk about. so the rest hour and 15 minutes i think i'll comment on other peoples el jays and get courtney to change my layout. [edit] which she did because she ROCKS HARD CORE OUTLOUD ALL NIGHT! wow. 30 minutes. oh em gee what to do what to do.

i'm still really super duper focused. and it's, kind of neat when you're playing music, you notice things you never would have noticed before....... like that sharp i've been playing wrong for like 4 weeks. and i talked to the pretty fish guy too. gawd what a hottie and mr.gayhorns outfit ----- i truely applaud the pink shirt he wore the other day. what a rebel. or a fag. i can't decide.
" alright now trumpets lets play this rythm over and over until raven gets it right. and clarinets i want you to like keep time and go doot doot doot doot with just the eight note."
i swear no one gets that man. not even mr.gatch (who happens to have missed school to be in british columbia LUCKY!) boo any way. jamie quit track. not commited. and that coach was G-H-E-Yx87943659.... i'm out. thats it. gawd bye!

<3 jamie-allyn
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