Mar 31, 2004 14:08
Great Kisser (30-55 points)
Kal, you are great at kissing: passionate, stormy, sensitive etc. - you know it all. Your kisses come from your heart. You've got the right feeling as you show interest in your partner. For you it's not a competition but real feelings. Sometimes you like to experiment. You always remember that it's not the technique, the strategy or the performance that counts but to have real feelings for your dreamgirl. It's not surprising that a lot of girl's (like Jennifer?) fall for you.
Want to be loved (35-60 points)
Kal, you often feel wronged by others. What you would like most is to show others what you have to offer. You're often angry at yourself for adapting more to other people's will than you should.
But maybe you know why you really do this: your secret wish is to be loved by everybody and that's why you pretend to be nicer than you really are!
Your own Person (35-65 points)
Kal, you're not completety unaware of fashion trends and you usually conform to them sooner or later. There's nothing wrong with that as you are not the type of person that follows new trends blindly. For instance: you are not uncomfortable appearing in public with the sweater your grandmother knitted for you, but when you go out for new clothes you will probably buy something that is "in style". This proves that you are your own person and not a fashionfreak, so more power to you!
Sometimes.... (35-60 points)
Kal, according to the Cool Test you're realistic and reasonable. Sometimes you give somebody what he/she wants and the next time you stick to your own will. You don't let people take advantage of you and quickly sniff out the people who try to do so. You're very spontaneous and you're great with people.
Flirt Expert (35-65 points)
Kal, your witty comments and your seductive looks hit the bulls-eye almost every time. No matter if your crush is shy or a go-getter, you know exactly how to twist her around your finger! When you're interested in somebody, you'll really get things moving. Because you are sensitive and know how to put yourself into your heartthrob's position, it's easy for you to give attention to your partner. This is very convenient for you, because you'll always get plenty of attention at parties!
How True This Is......yeah right....