Jan 06, 2008 00:37
no order
1. Shakespeare is fucking awesome, ys, and...Shakespeare
2. Know fabulous people, I do!
3. I was given a disc of Life on Mars today. *won't tell story lol is not really one anyway!* Haven't looked at it yet, but hey exciting! (Also super!nice; was watching DW with said person and he was Being Impressed at my Knowledge ahahaha this is totally good for SO MUCH, and he goes "have you seen Life on Mars?" and I said I knew about but hadn't seen so he told me about and said I should and I said would have to look into and then I came back from dinner to my roommate informing me that he dropped off a disc of "...Life on Mars? Something with 'Mars' in the title" for me. Srsly!)
4. Same person owns Hartnell era on DVD. !!! Yay college?
5. s3 of New Who really, completely pwns everything else!NewWho except select s1 and s2 episodes and I hesitate to say the latter at all, not because not good but because others - DAMN GOOD
6. I've definitely gotten someone addicted to DW; it is so much fun to watch someone else decide s/he loves something you already love that you showed her/him
7. I may have lied about the less fandom-ly, but sort of not I guess
8. I'm purposely not putting punctuation at the end of some sentences
9. Good DW macros FTW
10. I wish I were fluent in French already, but as for - I am not doing so badly! *practices intently* Rly. I am so serious! I am really doing it, and I am enjoying it! The next Step Forward will be the hardest since a while, although I'm not entirely sure which it is yet. Getting There!
11. Languages are so ridiculously fucking cool
12. I hate this rating bit on LJ; I do not want to register my age in order to watch a community; that's ridiculous, and I don't have enough time to talk entirely about why
13. I think I live in a cool place also, ys
14. I have so many excellent books lined up to read; on similar subject, Neil Gaiman wins life, though this was a given already (I'm not quite done with Fragile Things yet, but it is wonderful, unsurprisingly but just wonderfully wonderful!)
*more DW things, because is self and stuff*
*other things*
Back to either that or French travail or ratings of horrible writing for Responsibility Reasons or what else I have promised to do! Must get off bed to do either of the two former, though, because roommate has turned light off and behind desk/bookshelf thingy can turn light on for myself.
Yah, anyway. Maybe someday I'll write moar fic. Maybe someday! ;) Writing rather, anyway, thanks to the usual suspect!
doctor who,
neil gaiman,