dear lovely Yuletide author: Hopefully Bit Useful Rambling From Glaikery, AKA My Letter At Last!

Nov 04, 2007 22:45

caution: spoilery in some way or other for each fandom I asked for

Dear Yuletide author,

Well, another hello, first of all! Despite much time spent in fic-land, this is my first time participating in Yuletide, and I hope (whether a veteran or another first-timer) that you are as excited as I am!

(Along the same vein, despite much time spent in fandom, this journal is quite new. As in less than a month old, yes. I'm sorry it doesn't provide as much help as it might.)

I apologize for my detailed requests - and extra apologies if they were/are at all intimidating-sounding or if they seem frustrating. I really do love all the fandoms I requested, and I am sure that if you enjoy it I will as well. I am very much looking forward to seeing what you come up with.

Generally, there are a lot of things I love. I tend to write about characters; in reading, I love both characters and plottyness, though the characters are always most important to me. I asked for mostly gen, I know, but I don't mind shipping per se - het, slash, it doesn't matter. I love friendship more than romance, though. I really love friendship more than romance, and I love the friendship aspect of romance best, too. For these particular fandoms, I would prefer gen (with the one exception I mentioned in the request) - meaning I would be very pleased if the focus of the story were not a romantic relationship, because there are so many interesting issues and character bits in every one of these fandoms!

But if you really think something works - of course, go at it (unless it's incest or non-con; none of that, please. Those are the only things I very specifically ask not to have no matter what). If there is 'shipping of some kind in what you write, aside from what I just mentioned, I don't have rating issues, but would prefer nothing extremely graphic sexually or violence-wise.

I am an angst addict, but I love non-sappy (I think this goes without saying!) fluff as well, and I have tons upon tons of respect for writers who can write happy things, because it's very difficult for me. Subtlety is a great love of mine - but of course not all fandoms are as conducive to subtlety as others are. I love banter when it fits, and I love imagery (not just for the sake of having imagery but that pretty much goes without saying as well - apologies); I enjoy some fic without dialogue; I enjoy some fic with little but dialogue...I love unusual things x 10...I love Yuletide fic, in sum.

Fandom-specifically, though, if you'd like:

Gentleman Bastards: I love these books. I love them. This holds for all my fandoms, so that can be taken as a given! But I really - I don't know how to explain this. Er. Anyway. That first bit of my request, the specific one - that's something I would love to read, which is why I asked for it, but of course, don't feel bound to anything!

Locke and Jean are just such fantastic characters, though nearly everyone in these books is. This fandom, of all those I asked for, is where my "friendship > romance" thing is most important to me. It isn't that I don't see Jean/Locke; I understand where Jean/Locke 'shippers are coming from somewhat, but I see theirs as a friendship too close for anything sexual between them. Liars and thieves and friends; clever like anything and mistake-makers, the Right People - ! I know my request focuses on things before the 'present' in TLoLL, and I am very interested in that (especially because Locke/Jean/Calo/Galdo/Bug dynamic is so much love), but I also adored Red Seas and, like everyone, the ending broke my heart. ...and made me completely giddy because it was just so good and so bittersweet and so them and their relationship was never truly doubted, at least in that - auh. Right. *cough* Basically if we are matched for this fandom, I'm ecstatic at the prospect of fic, any fic, and I apologize again for sounding so specific right off the bat.

Magids: The request pretty much says it all! These characters are win and the universe is win, and I am (again) so excited about fic. ^^ I am sorry for specifying the non-breakfast-scene, I just don't think that can be done again - oh, DWJ! I keep thinking of specific things to say, but honestly - Anything, especially with the characters I chose + Stan...there's so much fascinating character relationship stuff in the book that is necessarily brief, along with the kickass premise and everything else, and I'd love to see expansion into any of those things - in any way, set at any time. I know this universe is detailed enough and with enough a history that it's a difficult one to work in, and I have tons of admiration for you for offering it at all. The only thing I would ask is something not focused on Rupert/Maree, but I suppose that's already been taken care of in my specifications; all I said in my original request is so, of course!

YW: This fandom means very much to me as well; I have known it longer than any of these others (I know, it's also the oldest of them, but that isn't why). The - I am quite lost on how to describe this (you can blame this fandom for a bit of the belatedness in me finishing this here Yuletide letter. The rest you can blame on school). I have a special place in my heart for Dairine, but I love nearly every character. I have read the first four books so many times that I would prefer a focus more related to them if it's possible, but I've read them all, and really anything with Dari and/or Tom and Carl in DD's universe would be lovely. I would prefer no srs Dari/Roshaun, even though I do love them - I dunno, it's just a thing. Nita is excellent, as is Kit, but please no romantic Nita/Kit - yes, I'm one of those. ;) I hope my request-y-ness was/is not too difficult or uncomfortable for you in its specificities, if we are matched for this fandom! Please don't worry about it if it is.

I love things about wizardry, I love the concept of the Speech, the universe, the traveling, the genuine complete acceptance of other ways of living despite confusion, the awkwardness that doesn't matter because it doesn't have to and because there is no time for it outside a quick thought, the awe, the average ordinaryness in extraordinary things, the stars, the city, the unconditional friendship and familial love, the relationships somewhere between platonic and mentor-like that are just hinted at (we don't see enough of Dairine and Tom + Carl, which is why I suggested - ). And I wouldn't mind Tom/Carl 'shipping at all, if that's your thing; I'd especially love to see what their relationship was like at a time before we meet them in SYWtBaW. Dai stihó, whatever you decide. ^^

Temeraire series: I hadn't read Empire of Ivory when I made my request, but I have now. The same still holds, but if anything my ideas have broadened since I submitted my Yuletide form; they certainly haven't further specified. I love this fandom just as I love all these others, but when I say "anything" for this (except for those few things I asked for none of), I really mean it. Anything! I love every character in these books; the sweet and the badass and those who are both, the major and the minor...on and on.

The amount I wrote for each ^^ indicates nothing about <3 or hope for the fandom, I promise!

And I offer you yet another apology for the belatedness of this letter! If you've already started, definitely don't worry, but do know that I applaud and admire you for it, 'cause...yeah, wow. :D

I am sure I will be happy with whatever it is you come up with, though; most importantly, I hope you have a wonderful time. I wish you best of luck and enjoyment; I am extremely excited for New Year's.

Yuletide hurrah!

yuletide, writing, fic exchanges, fic, dear yuletide writer, fandom, hurrah!

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