Sep 17, 2008 00:40
Haha. Life is funny. I I and several other people just shot down a bunch of group Halloween costume ideas. Life is funny. I am not studying Chinese. I am studying Chinese now, though. Yes I am. It's totally Reed's fault I did not study MORE today and yesterday, but that's okay. Oh hahahahaha. And not-hilarity, but y. Aww, haha, life is totally weirdass.
I don't really mind. Sometimes I mind. There are things about this fact I mind. But I don't really mind. Overall, that is, not in every specificity.
I'm not on anything, I swear. (Not even caffeine, I don't think. I feel kinda weird. Not like that's unusual. I might go GET caffeine.)
I'd say more but - um, Chinese. Roight. Not like I won't distract myself if I have to, but typing in the LJ entry text box takes both hands. (I wish I could write with my left hand, by the way. I mean, as well as my right. It'd make my life much easier. O well.)
Anyway. Haha, college. Life is crazy, did I mention ever!