Jul 08, 2010 11:11
Hi! I'm going on. So my days pass as following: waking up at 7:30, morning toilet, then light breakfast at 8:00, then walking by step at ELTE University for 30 minutes. From 9:00 to 17:00 me and my colleagues hear presentations of participants of conference. It's hard work I should say. Then at the evening we collaborate to go walking the streets, cafes, banquets, excursions and so on. Yesterday it was free day. And I've got one of the most impressive and fascinating feelings that I ever have. I went to famous Hangarian Thermal Bath called Sechun. That was beautiful. The water transports from underground sources with temperature of 38 degrees. I spent there 4 hours and it was not enough. After that I visited Opera. Then I was walking the streets during 3-4 hours. After such days I sleep very easy.
So, what more can I say. There are some very beautiful girls in here. Some from Hungarian and some from Italy. I like it vey much. I didn't meet such interesting woman's exterior in my University. I would like come to Budapest with my girl but if you forget I'm the most unhappy man in the world and there is no girl in my life. In my appartment there are two beds. And one of them is empty. It's a pitty. Is it romantic to die in Budapest? I think about it every day. Sorry.