Hmm, weird week. I haven't really been doing anything. Actually, first part of the week I was leveling nin because our static was kinda on a break, but that ended a day or so ago, or was supposed to anyway. Hopefully it starts back up again today or tomorrow, I really wanna hurry and get 75 out of the way so I can start actually doing fun stuff and not feel like a gimp doing it. Right now, I feel so useless going along on HNM hunts, all I'm good for is refreshing and the occasional cure, I can't land an enfeeble worth jack without elem seal. ><
Getting 75 will also give me time to do some much needed gilfarming, if things keep up like they've been going, I'm going to have to gimp my way to 75 without getting a couple of pieces of Errant gear. (hands and body.. the feet and legs are cheap so I'll be able to get those, and the hat is just homo) I need to figure out what drops that Thanatos baselard too. +4 Enfeebling skill, definately beats the hell out of a mythic wand. Eventually, I need to get a wind, ice, and uhh.. whatever element slow is.. staves. But that's a while off, even with the prices dropping like they have been, they're still like 400-500k each.
Right now the plan is, rush to 75 over the next week or two, get nin to 37 (and blow all the gil I have doing it. <.<) and then start farming the beastmen god minions (like High Priest, Adaman Quadav, Orcish Hexspinner.. That kinda junk.) They spawn every 20 minutes, and drop decent stuff, and I should definately be able to solo them with /NIN. And no one ever camps them. I could also keep an eye on the beastmen god PHs while I'm at it, so it's win-win. o.O
HP drops:
Raise II
Reraise III
Regen III
Shellra IV
Cure V
According to
Mysterytour, even if he doesn't drop Raise II, the other random stuff still sells for about 4-5k each, which is a minimum of 15k an hour, which about matches what I do regularly in bead. >.> Then if he drops two things or more, it's double, 30k. Or Raise II which is like 140k now.
Could do Adaman/Ruby Quadav too. They drop Adaman Ore and Ruby. Adaman Ore is upwards of 100k each isn't it? God only knows what the ruby goes for.. at least 30-40k though. So that's not too bad. Ruby Quadav drops Shell IV too, it's his common drop, but only sells for like 4k. >.> But better than nothing I guess. <.< Qulun Dome is a lot easier to get to than the HP area of Oztroja though. And if I did Oztroja, I'd have to bring an instant warp scroll with me.. since there's kinda not a way to get out of there other than dying. It wouldn't bug me if it was at 75 and I was capped in xp, but they added in that merit point crap.. so now I've gotta save up xp to dump into INT, MND, and MP. ><
Monastic Cavern would be the last one I do.
Orcish Hexspinner: Stone IV, Stonega II, Quake. Stonega II sells for about 100k, Quake is about 70k. Which isn't really bad, but both of those are fairly rare I think <.< Stone IV isn't worth much I don't think.
Orcish Warlord has dropped a platinum beastcoin every time for the 3 times I've killed him, which is like 10-12k, I guess that's not bad.
Not really what else I could do, this seems like the best option. >.> Gilfarming in this game is so gay. It's hard to find a group to do BCNM60 or 70, even harder to get seals for them. People keep saying they want to do it, but never actually get it set up. I'd set it up myself, but I'm horrid at organizing things, especially things I have little experience in. >.>
Anyway, it's like 7pm now, I think I'm gonna go play some WC3 for a bit, then hop back on FFXI in a couple hours and see what's goin on. I doubt much'll be goin on in SS since maintainence last night kinda screwed us out of HNMing until the times get closer to NA playtimes. Not many people are on at like 3am. >.> This is kind of good though. Gives me and my SPT some dedicated time to get to 75 and get this leveling junk over with. Though, even when everyone's 75, I bet they'll still want to keep leveling for merit points and whatnot. I know I will.. But probably not until a bit later after we hit 75. It seems close, but it's still over 180,000 xp. I'm sure I'll get sick of leveling again before it's all over with. So I'll probably need another break between 75 and maxin out merit points.
Anyway, I'll add more random junk as I get it, but for now, I'm gonna go play some WC3. G'night. ^^