Aug 29, 2007 12:49
A short tribute to Brokeback Mountain
Christ! Why’d God make the ground s’damn hard? No time t’ wait for an answer. Roll, boy! That there mountain a beef is lookin’ t’ stomp yore head in. Where the fuck’s that clown? Jesus! This bull means business. If my hip ain’t broke, it’ll be a wonder. Jimbo! Where’n hell are you? Git out here and git this sumbitch off me! Shit, that was close. Bastard nearly got me again. Cover yore head, boy, and keep rollin’. Pray, if ya think it’ll help, ‘cause sure as shit, Jimbo ain’t breakin’ a sweat t’ git to ya. And ya know why too, don’t ya? Cause yore as dirt dumb as yore old man always said ya were. Ya lissened to yore dick and made that bonehead move in the honkytonk, and now Jimbo thinks yore queer. Dumb and queer. What a way t’ go through life. Unless this bull put him out a his misery. Mean bastard wasn’t givin’ up. No chance to stand and run. Keep rollin’. The fence has got t’ be here somewheres. Oh thank you Jesus, here comes that whoreson clown, a day late and a dollar short, but at least I ain’t dead. Busted up bad, but I’ll make it. And when I can walk again, I’ll walk the hell away from this damn rodeo. What I’m lookin’ for ain’t here.
between me and the sun