Here at GladRags we often listen to podcasts as we tirelessly work to provide you the best of service and support. Some of our favorites come from the How Stuff Works family of podcasts. They all have the impossible combination of expertise, wit, humor, and chemistry between the two podcasters. A recent podcast on Stuff Mom Never Told You was titled “Is Menstruation the Last Taboo?” Look them up on itunes or go to their
website to listen.
Needless to say, we found something missing from their podcast. Because they always encourage feedback we sent them this letter:
Hi Cristen and Molly,
First of all, we just want to say that we listen to your podcast all the time at work! We love your fun and in-depth coverage of such a variety of topics - some of our favorites are “The Mysteries of Nancy Drew” and “Are Breast Implants Linked to Suicide.”
We are writing today in regards to your podcast titled “Is Menstruation the Last Taboo?”
We thought it was great and covered a lot of territory, but we were disappointed that you never mentioned alternative menstrual products in your discussion of becoming more comfortable with our menstrual cycles.
Alternative menstrual products include things like menstrual cups (DivaCup, Keeper Cup, Moon Cup, etc), cloth pads, and sea sponge tampons. We work at GladRags (, a company which sells these types of products, so promoting positive attitudes toward menstruation is a subject near and dear to our hearts!
Not many women know that there are alternatives to disposable products, but we believe that every woman should have all the information available so that she can make the best choice for her body. The health benefits notwithstanding - reusables don’t contain bleach or other harmful chemicals and have never been linked to toxic shock syndrome - we find that most women gain a greater understanding of their bodies and a sense of comfort with their menstrual cycle. In addition, the average woman uses 16,800 pads or tampons in her lifetime - imagine the environmental impact of all that waste!
You mentioned that a lot of your fans are interested in hearing about the history of the tampon. We hope that you will include reusable menstrual products in your podcast, as the tampon as we know it is a relatively recent invention compared to cloth pads and menstrual cups!
We plan on sharing your podcast with our customers on our Facebook and blog ( Thanks for keeping us informed and entertained while we work!
-Alex and Tracy, the girls from
Hopefully they will mention alternative menstrual products on the next podcast they record. Even if they don’t, you should listen, because they are great! Did you listen to this podcast? What did you think? What podcasts do you subscribe to? We are always looking for more!