Rifted Guilds Application

Oct 23, 2011 20:40

=== Player Information ===
Name/Nick: Mary
Journal: slenderman
Method of Contact: AIM preferably (joenes is dead), though a PM to my mun account works fine too.
Current Characters: N/A

=== Character Information ===
Name: Kyoko Sasagawa
Gender: Female
Age: 14
Fandom: Katekyo Hitman Reborn (manga verse only)
Time period: Chapter 346, post-Shimon arc.

Pokemon: Minun
Distinguishing Characteristics:
Explanation: Besides being unbelievably cute, the reason why Minun fits Kyoko so well is because Minun is known as the cheering pokemon. Just like Kyoko, Minun is the supporter in rough times, cheering on its allies and doing whatever it can to support them in battle. Minun is very friendly and cares a lot about its friends, a trait that is the base of Kyoko's personality. I have also chosen Minun over Plusle because Minun is more of a defensive pokemon, whereas Plusle is more of a sweeper; Kyoko is pretty much useless in any sort of conflict physically, so I went for the defensive-oriented one of the two.

History: http://reborn.wikia.com/wiki/Kyoko_Sasagawa

Personality: Kyoko is very much what you would call an "average girl", especially amongst the rather rag-tag group of acquaintances and friends she has. She has no immediate outstanding traits; she is neither quiet nor loud, has a sort of simple and plain cuteness to her, and has no extremely unique talents. She can be a bit air headed and fairly gullible, and while she is not stupid, she possesses just the average intellect for someone her age.

However, it is this simplicity itself - this undermining plainness - that makes Kyoko unique.

Kyoko is the younger sister to an extremely reckless and impulsive older brother. Her brother has always been somewhat of a hothead, getting himself into fights and awkward situations at a young age and continuing throughout his youth. Kyoko cares very deeply for her older brother, wishing him nothing but happiness and safety; it is this wish that has driven Kyoko to become somewhat of a subtle anchor for her brother. While her brother Ryohei may not be aware of it, it is Kyoko's typicality that balances and compliments both of their lives. If Kyoko was just as hotheaded and impulsive as her brother, Ryohei would not have that constant rock to support him, and with his string of luck and behavior, could have fallen to misfortune long ago without it. It is Kyoko's plainness, her lack of surprises and outbursts, that provides not just Ryohei but eventually others with that anchor and security to reality, reminding them about what really matters by simply being there.

Growing up with the brother she has, Kyoko has been growing into a very supportive individual, often times sacrificing a prominent place in things to give the needed cheer from the sidelines. She is rather gullible, often taking her brother's ridiculous excuses for why he gets injured without question (she dislikes it when she knows he's been fighting, so he often comes up with excuses as to why he is hurt), though it is not a stretch to suggest that sometimes she accepts questionable explanations knowing that they may not be the full truth. Kyoko has a tendency to suppress and hide her worry or anxiety in stressful situations, instead exchanging it for her supportive and cheerful attitude. She is aware of her own limitations as a simple teenage girl with no outstanding abilities or strength, yet she wishes to be nothing but help to those she loves. Thus, she accepts being kept out of the loop to an extent, as long as she is not kept at arm's length and allowed to help out as best she can.

Kyoko is an all around cheerful and kind individual. She has an infectious and almost constant smile, finding pleasures in simple things, such as spending even a few moments around her friends and family. She seems to be able to get along with almost everyone, with her smile and openness creating a very disarming air about her that one can't help but feel comfortable. She is also very polite, refraining from speaking her mind about people and situations if her thoughts may have a negative tinge to them. It is only when she is literally forced to follow her will that she has ever come out and expressed disappointment in the words of others, seen when she is prompted by a dying will bullet to ask Tsuna's mother to take back her comment undermining Tsuna's worth.

Most likely due to her brother, Kyoko also has an ungodly amount of patience. She often finds stubbornness or general "annoying" quirks in people to be cute (or she at least smiles and laughs at them instead of reacting negatively), rarely if ever becoming annoyed at someone for their minor actions. She is extremely slow to upset, nearly impossible to anger, and very quick to forgive and forget. If Kyoko ever does become upset, she shows it by becoming serious and firm in her speech as opposed to loud or visibly angry; once again, this is a balance to her brother's temper, which is much less controlled and more intense. She would get nowhere with her brother if she had little patience and self-control, and so she has instilled these virtues in herself as well.

While Kyoko seems like a typically emotive girl, willingly expressing her happiness with something, and not being afraid to express her sadness if the time is right, she keeps her more serious and deep emotions very close to her chest. She does not seem to view them as weaknesses, but instead sees them as possible hindrances to her friends and family. After all, one cannot be the supportive and positive cheerleader if everyone is aware they are deeply bothered or worried. Kyoko seems to be content with this part of herself, though, which has revealed an abnormal amount of emotional strength in a girl her age; her tendency to keep her more negative emotions to herself does not seem to be self-harming at all, instead giving her more strength and inspiration to better support those she loves.

=== Samples: ===
First Person:

Third Person:


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