"The Pure and Simple Truth is Rarely Pure and Never Simple"

Oct 05, 2005 01:18

What is new with me? Seemingly everything. I’ve been busy and lazy, but mostly busy.

Today I officially finished all of my midterms...sorta, but I don’t want to go into that right now. Its difficult to write afer you haven’t in a while.

I’m sure everyone knows how much I love my job. I really do. I’m not sure if I did at first, but I’ve come to appreciate it Sure, I make minimum wage, but its worth it for such a low stress job It’s been slow at work, which is both good and bad. Its nice when there are a lot of customers because its fun to ring them up and do the gift bags. I’d like to think I’ve become quite good at the gift bags. The raffia is my favorite part :-) The raffia is this stuff we tie in a bow on the package handle. Most of the time I just sit around and talk to Ashley or Brytni. Brytni is funner to talk to because she is closer to my age (she’s 20) while Ashley is 24. Marla(my boss) is hardly there when I’m there because I work mostly on Friday’s and Saturdays. Her husband is the football coach at Lancaster High so she is gone on Friday’s helping the team out for the Friday night football game weird. Then on Saturdays she just doesn’t come in. A lot of times we eat because no ones in there. Ashley and Emily bought some ice cream sandwiches, so we’ve been gradually eating those. Yummy. Then we take turns and go next door and buy cookies and stuff and share them. I also like to walk around the store and look at everything. I especially like to sniff all the candles. I don’t smell the overwhelming aroma of candles and everything anymore. I can smell it on my clothes later, but I don’t mind that. On Friday we actually got a shipment in of this stuff called “Crabtree and Evelyn.” Which is a line of expensive lotions, soaps, and perfumes. Some of it is sorta old lady smelling, and some of it is really super nice. I personally like the Wisteria. The hand cream is great. It took us almost all day to price it all and then put it out on the shelves. Rachael and Tom came and visited me. Tom made sure to embarrass me. It was good to see them though.

Sunday my family ate at Johnny Carino’s for the second time in two weeks. We already have a favorite booth. The food is soo delicious, I encourage everyone to go as soon as possible. My dad is like obsessed, its going to be another Don Cuco’s I think. I got my nail’s done for the first time on Sunday too. I was reluctant, but my fingernails were so short and damaged that I figured it was just inevitable. They’re really weird. I keep thinking of the scene in LOTR with Saruman and the plantar.

Last Thursday Rachael, Mandy and I went to the movies. That same day I got my hair cut, or more like chopped off. I it to almost the perfect length and then poof. I told Lori to just trim it, but no, she got creative. You’d think I’d know better by now wouldn’t you? But that’s the great thing about hair, it grows back. In other news I dyed my hair back brown too, but I did that myself. The funny thing is in the past two weeks my hair has gone from auburn to brown, and I’ve lost two inches of hair and no one has said anything. Righto. Anyway, before the movie Rachael, Mandy and I went to Don Cuco’s before we saw Corpse Bride The movie was shorter than I thought it would be, but it was nonetheless very cute. It was sorta predictable but *shrugs*. I also saw Flightplanthe other day. Sean Bean be still my heart! Okay, I’m weird. But the movie was very suspenseful and Joddie Foster was good as always. I also have a quick story that goes with Thursday. I had just taken Mandy home, and was in transit to Rachael’s home. Rachael was silently, but nonetheless, making fun of me for listening to classical music in the car. We were sitting at a stop light and said “Here comes the big finale!” and I started rocking out to the finale of some song. Rachael and I are just cracking up. I look over at the car next to me and I see the outline of two people in the front seat pointing at me I thought it was some couple just making fun of me. So I waved as if to say “Don’t mind me!” What I didn’t realize, was that what I assumed to be a couple was actually, a couple of big burley guys trying to get my attention. They kept waving at me. There were even more guys in the back. It was just the funniest thing. Rachael and I learned that day not to rock out to classical music while stopped at stoplights. Luckily they were turning right and we were going straight. Too much fun.

A week before that Thursday Mandy and I saw A Constant Gardner. I thought it was beautifully, beautifully filmed. The acting was great too, I adore Ralph Fiennes and admire Rachael Weiz. The plot was a little....Hollywoodish. You know.... “Africa.” I understand the plight, but Hollywood always latches on to that stuff just because.

As I said earlier, midterms ended for me today. Monday I had a math test, which wasn’t actually a midterm (we don’t have one in that class), but it might as well of been one. I think I did well on it, but last time I took a math test I got it back and it said I had an F. As it turned out. Mr. Gordan randomly(and Mandy can testify to this) marked several problems wrong that were entirely right. So I got a C. Which is good considering half the class failed it, three people got A’s, four got B’s, and three got C’s and I don’t remember after that. We’ll find out tomorrow(well now today) how I did. My public speaking midterm was sorta hard. I still have no topic for my presentation aid’s speech. I’m so lost. I’m hoping to have another epiphany. Anytime now would be just great. I had a history quiz today, easy enough.

I was dreading my First Aid class. I hate that class, its only 50 minutes long too. I’m bored all the time and then don’t pay attention. Plus my partner is this tall ugly creepy guy with his bizarre Sweedish girlfriend. I was very nervous doing the practical part of the test. I did fine on the adult I think, when I got to the infant my mind just blanked at first b/c I was so nervous. Later Mr. Lewis said that I apparently didn’t check for a pulse on the baby. But I know I did. I remember checking the pulse, then he said the baby wasn’t breaking so I went into rescue breathing and didn’t get any further instructions so I continued with that. He was also watching my partner work on the child dummy so I think he missed me do it Anyway, because he apparently didn’t see me check for a pulse he couldn’t tell me that there wasn’t one, so he couldn’t test me on CPR on the child. Okay then. I did fine on the child when I took over for Brent(my creepy partner). I ended up getting a 90%. I was happy considering I missed that one entire part. The written test was so easy. I left after I finished that. I found Rachael and we went to La Bon coffee and the Halloween store before I had to take Rachael back to school.

In other news I’m having horrible chest pains, but its not a heart thing. Its more like I have a bruised lung or something. I can’t sleep on my left side(where the pain is at). If I do, I can’t really breathe. Its really weird. I’ve gotten this phantom pain before. It comes and goes. But this ones lasted over 24 hours so far.

I’ve written far more then I intended to and I’m out of ideas lol. At least I’ll be able to sleep easy tonight :-)

I think this is a mood thing:

Take the quiz: "Which Japanese Symbol Are You? (pics and translations)"

You are very depressing, sad.
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