A poem :)

Dec 18, 2007 19:13

A Christmas song,

Of peace and joy,

A child of light,

A baby boy.

Band - strike up!

Begin your call

A song for us

For one and all.

Sing first of angels,

Donkeys after,

Festive emotions:

Smiles and laughter.

Add in some snow

It looks the part,

Talk of presents

And warmth of heart.

And don’t forget

That baby boy,

Bringing all this

Love and joy.

Sing to all

Who care to hear,

Of dancing snowmen,

Flying deer.

This Christmas song

For all to see,

Take heed of it

And not of Me.

I cannot sing

Of peace and love,

I know not joy

From up above.

I am the child

Who sits in fear,

Cries for help

With none to hear.

I am the woman

Torn with crying,

Family scattered,

Children dying.

I am the man

Plagued with sorrow,

Who has no hope

To smile tomorrow.

How can I sing

This Christmas song

Of Good and Right

When all is Wrong?

O that the band

Would play for longer,

Trumpets sound,

Then sound still stronger.

Hark that angel,

Watch that city,

Keep me from

Your eyes and pity.

The song goes on

Of how, at night,

A man brings presents

Before its light.

I closed my eyes

Hugged myself tight,

Wished so hard

For silent night.

He brought no gifts

Last night, instead

He hit me, raped me,

Sheets stained red.

That same red

On festive cards,

Decorates my arm

With scars.

This child who lies

In murky manger,

What cares he

For total stranger?

What is his name?

The song wont say,

This melody

Of Christmas day.

I thought I knew

A verse or two,

Not known by most,

Sung by a few.

I thought it named

That baby boy,

Whilst others told

Of gifts and toys.

It named him Jesus,

Called him saviour,

One who taught to

Love thy neighbour.

I knew his name,

I’m told he died,

A sacrifice

For those who lied.

Something to do with

Sin and pain,

A crown of thorns,

Then Life again.

But wait - the chorus

Comes around,

Bells and sledging,

Kings with crowns

Sing on, you choir,

Play on, you band,

Tell of joy

In all the land.

I almost thought to

Join your singing,

When I heard

That verse beginning.

The verse that spoke

The baby’s name,

The one that told

Of end to pain.

But I’m glad

That I did not,

It seems that verse,

You all forgot.
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