Title: Bobby Singer: Glorified Answering Machine
Rating: K+
Word Count: 346
Challenge: 089 - She (
Notes: So, I thought I was done with this Supernatural/Doctor Who crossover, but apparently I'm not? Takes place around the same time as
Tap Your Heels Together Three Times, but on the other side of things.
The loud crack of a beer bottle shattering against his front porch shook Bobby out of his funk. He glanced at Sam, who stood up slowly and moved towards the door, taking along one of his smaller guns as a precaution. Dean hadn't shouted for help, but it was rare that glass shattering didn't lead to him shouting for one reason or another, be it anger, frustration, or just to draw attention.
As Sam opened the front door, Bobby rolled himself into the kitchen to grab a rifle, just in case.
The phone rang.
Wary, Bobby picked it up. Both of the Winchesters were here, so who the heck would be calling him?
"Bobby Singer?" Female voice with a British accent. Bobby's mind flashed to Bela for an instant, but no, this was different.
"Speaking." Not that different meant good, of course.
"Oh good, I'd thought I'd gotten the wrong number," she said with a relieved sigh. "You don't know me, but I just wanted to ask... is Castiel alright?"
No, it seemed different was definitely not good in this case. "Excuse me?"
"Castiel. Is he alright?" She paused, and it occurred to Bobby that it was pretty quiet out front right now. "He is there, isn't he? I'm not too early, am I?"
"Lady, I have no idea what you're..." Bobby trailed off, staring out his front door, where a couple of morons were hugging out their issues. And not just the pair of idjits he was used to, but a full-on trio.
"Mr. Singer? You still there?"
Bobby cleared his throat. "Yeah. You're gonna have to wait a minute, if you want to talk to him."
"Bit tied up at the moment?" she asked, amusement coloring her voice. Bobby hummed his agreement. "That's alright, I just wanted to check that he made it there alright. Could you tell him that I - that Martha says hi? And good luck? Thanks!" And before Bobby could answer one way or the other, she had hung up.
He stared at the phone for a moment, then put it back in its rest and rolled out to break up the lovefest.