OOC: Stalker Meme

Sep 08, 2006 20:42

Stalking is illegal. fairy_leviathan confronts not_a_shadow.

not_a_shadow is stalking fairy_leviathan

not_a_shadow’s REAL name :
Adriane Harris

not_a_shadow’s REAL DOB :
18th July 1979

Height :151 cm
Weight : 73.0 kg

not_a_shadow has dreamt about you :
8 times

not_a_shadow became interested in you :
15th October 2004

not_a_shadow’s latest dream about you

Last night not_a_shadow dreamt that you had told them that you were leaving for good. not_a_shadow was just about ready to chop off your head with a samurai sword before the dream ended.

This is how not_a_shadow describes your relationship behind your back

‘I don’t want to be just good friends. I want to be with her forever. To death to us part and all that.’

not_a_shadow’s been stealing stuff from your house too.

For the last year not_a_shadow has been pilfering fairy_leviathan’s mothers bras from her lingerie drawer.

They’ve even started modifying their body for you

not_a_shadow now has a full-colour image of you tattooed on their back.

They sent the following message to you in a Valentines

Fuck me darling! Fuck me now! Fuck me whilst I’m limber! It won’t be long before we both have arthiritis anyway!

The Police

No. calls to the police :
28 times

Your Last Call to The Police

"Police? Look that fucker not_a_shadow is still harassing me. I got another valentines card smeared in blood today again. Can’t you do something about this? I’m starting to become scared for my life."

not_a_shadow’s Police File

If I was an old lady in this city I would be shitting myself in the knowledge that not_a_shadow is roaming the streets.

Testimonies about not_a_shadow

questionablefan - Suicidal wreck

‘Dear God! I knew not_a_shadow was a right thieving bastard but I didn’t know they were such a skank. fairy_leviathan is a bit of a sucker really.’

doomgaze_girl - Car wreck of a human

‘Surprise Surprise, not_a_shadow’s a dirty fucker? Tell me something different.’

craigjustcraig - Munt-munt-munter

‘not_a_shadow’s obsession with breastfeeding should have acted as an insight into their warped mind. I can’t believe I overlooked it for so long. Jesus.’

meme, ooc

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