People are whining about the side-effects of the drug, but really, they should be grateful that I even helped them! Really, I have so much to do, you should be happy I took the time to create a cure for whatever illness you contracted. My emupions have been neglected for quite some time, really.
Oh, I've also started writing my Christmas list for this year. Yes, I AM aware it's only October the fifth, but I didn't have much to do today, so I felt like doing just that.
On the top of my Christmas list:
I expect to recieve these, along with some new lab equipment. The Superior likes to skimp on the beakers, and I am in dire need of more of these, seeing as Demyx likes to run through my lab and knock them all over and laugh at my sad expressions.
I hate my life. Add razor blades to the list.
Also, I've been requested to do some grocery shopping. Any requests? And for the last time, Axel, I won't buy you a puppy or any dead bodies.
Anyway, the effects of the drug shouldn't work for too much longer. You all should be fit as fiddles (or some other bizarre euphemism) in a few days.