Jan 24, 2011 17:15
To a certain professor who shall not be named here,
No, I have not signed up for a flame control class. No, I'm not planning to. No, I haven't signed up for, nor plan to sign up for, a box weapon class. Yes, I'm well aware this will make my studies rather difficult, especially if I wish to pursue a minor in Fighting.
You want to fix that? Give me a damn class I actually can sign up for. None of the ones currently available will do me any good whatsoever.
Yes, I'm aware I'm in the minority here, but that doesn't change the fact that a class teaching control of any flame of the sky is useless for me. Do you perhaps require blind students to sign up for visual art classes, too?
(OOC: Professor who has been giving her grief is here unnamed; if anyone would like to be the one who has complained, feel free to speak up.)