1. When dining out, do you usually save room for dessert? At times
2. How do you feel about saving places in line or saving seats in theaters? That's fine, though annoying when the theater is full..
3. What’s one thing you did to save money this past year? Bought things used
4. Besides money, what’s something you’re saving for later? Popcorn!
5. In what way did you recently save the best for last? I dunno..
So I read this today on FML haha: "Today, I was pushed off of a glacier by a very angry tourist. Why? I work as a glacier guide, and apparently some people find it overly frustrating to be informed that there isn't a café on the glacier. FML." I was shocked..I never expected to read anything about glaciers there!! I hope they're ok :P
15. Timeline of your day
Got up, went to work, went to my parents' house. So exciting :P