Has anyone ever won one of those big teddy bears or prizes for you at a carnival? No?
Do you drink anything out of foam cups? Not really
Do you have a backpack for anything? Yeah
Do you think men really are physically stronger than women? Well..a 40 year old woman won The Biggest Loser..so they definitely can be strong haha
What is your favorite nursery rhyme? *shrugs*
Do you have any conversation pieces in your home? Sure
Do you prefer to be the passenger or the driver? I don't drive
Have you ever witnessed a drug deal? No
If you're driving very late at night through a bad neighborhood do you roll up your windows and lock your doors? Why would I be doing it late at night anyway?
Do goodbyes always suck? They can
Have you ever carved your name in a tree? No
Do you know anyone who actually had to be rescued by a helicopter? Not personally
Do you have a picture of yourself with Mickey Mouse? Possibly
What is the best part about Disneyworld? I've never been there
What movie would you watch over and over? *shrugs*
Have you ever broken up with an EX and got back together again..just to break up again? I don't really have an ex
Do you eat any seafood? No
Is it better to have very small natural boobs or big implants? Small natural boobs
Is self image important? It can be
Do you have a favorite south park character? I don't watch South Park
How quick are you to judge people? Rather quick
Have you ever woken someone up from a sound sleep because you were being too loud? *shrugs*
What color clothing do you have the most of? Black, etc
What song do you find the most annoying? *shrugs*
Do you always go with your gut or do you give people the benefit of the doubt? Um..??
What is something not many people know about you? I love bridges
Have you ever not had enough money at the checkout lane? Sure..I just used my card
Have you ever run out of gas?
Do you tease anyone? I tease mom all the time haha
Does anyone tease you? Yeah
What do you think about the NY accent? Nice haha
And the BOSTON accent? Haha
And what about the southern accent? Howdy ;)
Have you ever worn two different socks? Possibly
Do you like cheese curls? Are those Cheetos?
Do you watch repeats? At times
Do you have to tie someone's shoes for them? No
If you run out of toilet paper what do you use? I get more
Do you lock all your doors at night? Mom does
Do you have any friends whose first name begins with the letter J? No
Why is there so much hurt and suffering in the world? It's part of life..
Do you have all your music downloaded on your computer? Not all
What's the best part about the mall? Shopping?
Do you know what a philips head screwdriver looks like? Like..a screwdriver :P
Do you say gosh or golly? Gosh
Who is your wildest friend? *shrugs*
Have you ever smacked anyone right across the face? No
Do you have anything wicker in your house? *shrugs*
Have you ever poured your drink over anyone's head? Umm
What is the closest river to you? :D The Chena River!
And lake? Smith Lake..even though it's a big pond haha
And body of ocean? Body of ocean?? Haha..the Pacific?
Were you ever bullied growing up? Yeah..idiots
How many times a day do you go outdoors? Depends
Do you walk to the nearest store or drive? Actually I've never been to the nearest store..it's a grocery store by Ivory Jacks
Ever wore boxing gloves? Possibly
Would you wear pink boxing gloves? Eh
What kind of beer do you drink? Ew
Do you put limes or lemons in your water? No
Do you eat the peanuts at the bar? I don't go to bars
Are you the youngest or oldest? Oldest, middle
What do you have in common with the person you live with? DNA
Do you get up to eat in the middle of the night? No
What is right next to your bed? The wall
Do you have any baby furniture in your house? No
Do you like drama, horror or comedy? Drama, comedy if it's not stupid
Who has the cutest bum you know? Uhh haha
What is the shortest you'd be willing to cut your hair? I've thought about cutting it as short as Abby's in season 8 cause I LOVED that hairstyle on her
What was the best road trip you've ever taken? Florida, etc
What is your best memory from age 18? *shrugs*
Have you gone to a keg party in the woods? No
Do you know what B.Y.O.B stands for? Yeah
Do you have ashtrays in your house? No
Can you speak another language? Not fluently
Do you have more wire, plastic or wooden hangers? Plastic
Did you fight with your siblings growing up? Yeah
When is your next doctor's appointment? *shrugs*
Do you have prescription eye glasses? Yeah
What year was it TEN years before you were born? 1979
Who is the rudest person you know? *shrugs*
Do you tend to overreact about things? Not necessarily
Twenty years from now will you be living in the same place you live now? *shrugs*
What did you get in the mail today? I don't think the mail comes today?
How many hours of sleep do you get a night? *shrugs*
Can a person really change? Yeah
If someone asked you to change for them would you? Not necessarily
Are there any chores you actually like doing? Yeah
Last wedding you went to? My cousin's
Do you call pajamas PJ'S? Yeah
Do you ever call someone you find attractive "CUTE"? Sure
Pic of the day:
RATNET: Nope, it's got nothing to do with catching rats. Instead, this is the acronym for Rural Alaska Television Network, the state-run system that delivers the joy of American TV to the Bush