Your result for The Social Persona Test (What kind of man/woman are you?)...
The 1950's House Wife (NTBF)
Normal Traditional Beta Female
First of all, there is nothing wrong with being traditional and domestic, but if you are going to do so, update your self-esteem by about six decades please. You will make a great mother and wife someday, but the biggest thing to watch out for is entering into a relationship for the wrong reasons, whether it be a fear of the future, a lack of self-confidence, or an uncertainty about your goals. By all means, be traditional, but make sure you are a complete and whole person first.
You are more NORMAL than QUIRKY.
You are more TRADITIONAL than LIBERAL.
You are more PASSIVE than DOMINANT.
When picking a date, consider: The Late Bloomer (QTAM), The Suit (NTAM), or The Altar Boy (NTBM).
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