You check for updates every fifteen minutes...including at least twice right before you go out the door to work at five in the morning. (At times haha..if I'm bored or it's erupting :P)
You whine at the MTSAT image that they just put up, because it managed to catch the ash plume...and that's a *REALLY* spiffy toy.
You know WHAT TIME the MTSAT image was put up.
You feel joy and fuzzy feelings at the seismograph readouts- and that lately it looks a lot like a heartbeat!
You make bad jokes and icons: punning off the volcano's name. (REDOUBT IS DOUBTFUL haha..someone on Bzoink is so amused by Redoubt haha..we dubbed it "the volcano that can't make up its mind." :P I didn't make the icon though)
You are irrationally jealous of the volcanogists.
You wish you were at Drift a raft.
You bug your co-workers for the twitter report on their cell phones at work.
There is more irrational amusement that it seems like Redoubt is teasing Denali, because the ashfall satellite images stop just short of the mountain.
You break out your college geology books and read them to your son.
The books don't have a lot of pictures.
The books are less than five years old.
You have more than one textbook dealing with geology, and it has nothing to do with being bought for class. (..if glaciers count haha. I have two :P)
You wish there was ashfall where you are at, for the sole purpose of collecting it. (I'm sooo jealous of other people on LJ's stories of seeing ash and stuff!!)
You know the procedure to scientifically collect it.
Your first priority when collecting the ash would be for AVO, THEN souvenir for yourself.
You're actually writing a "I have it bad for volcanoes" list.
You know what day the RSO seismograph went out- and it gives you glee.
You liked the RSO graph more than the other graphs because it had the best quality.
You laughed at the HUT, because the one off the Drift river almost got carried away.
There's more giggles at the DROT station because they might have dikes, but they seemed to forget about the road......
....and you start to plan out a painting that would include both Redoubt erupting, and the seismographs.
Hanging glacier: A glacier nestled in a rock bowl on the side of a mountain. It just hangs there (HAHA..that last sentence is amusing :P)