You know you're from Fairbanks when..

Nov 18, 2008 11:37

You were appalled when “Alaskaland” was changed to “Pioneer Park” (people still call it alaskaland haha)
You know what Polar Roller was and you went there every chance you got
The 365 mile drive to Anchorage can be a weekend trip
The recent addition of Chili’s, Barnes and Noble and Old Navy was revolutionary
You think Alaska Airlines sucks and don’t understand why there isn’t another airline. (i've only flown on them like once)
You know what its like to drive down a road and see a sign that says “musher’s xing” (it didn't say exactly that though)
You think a building is poorly designed if there is a door that goes straight to the outside, NO arctic entryway. absurd.
The Big Dipper isn’t just a constellation
Elephant ears and turkey legs are the only true reasons you go to the fair
You remember the true lil freds and miss the snack bar with Slush Puppies and pretzels
You know that Hot Licks isn’t the name of a porno
You know the Knotty Shop isn’t a sex store.
Anchorage seems huge. (haha well it did look like a normalish big city when i went there)
You see Mike Schultz in public and think you just saw a celebrity.
You haven’t gone out out of state for 10 years cause it costs too much
You think that ten below just really isn’t that cold at all
You get the ‘Miner and the first thing you check is to see if anyone you know got arrested.
You tell Lower 48′ers that you live "just north of North pole", and they gape at you
On a Friday night the only thing to do is either go to a hockey game or go to the theater.
You need a passport driving to the States
The teachers have to tell the kids to keep their coats on when its zero degrees out. (i haven't gone to school here soo..)
You check the radio every morning all winter to hear what the temp is. -45 means no school! (i thought it was -60?)
As a kid it took you 10 minutes to get all your snow gear on for recess, 10 minutes outside, and then 10 minutes to climb our of your gear.

You brag about making it down Airport Way without being stopped at every damn light
You’re bored in the winter and decide to throw boiling water out your window for entertainment (haha it hasn't got that cold yet)
You have at least 2 friends with the same shirt as you…and sometimes you wear them on the same day…by accident.
You pass Fantasy Land on the way to the Santa Claus House (errr..i dunno i've only been through north pole twice)
You go to the (1) movie theater parking lot and spin around on the ice with your car for fun.
Anchorage or Palmer sounds like the best vacation spot in the world after being cooped up in Fairbanks the whole winter
You have to watch out for moose on your way to the school bus stop.
You don’t understand why people are staring at you for wearing shorts at 60 degrees
Your car cost less than your snowmachine!
People look at you funny for saying snowmachine instead of snow mobile
Parents trick their kids into starting the car to tell them they are growing up when really the parents are too cheap to buy an auto start.
When one day the weather is like -40 below, then the next day its above zero
You show pictures of your car to friends from the lower 48 and they think the plug-in hanging out the front means it is electric.
When formal attire consists of carharts and bunny boots
You can sing the entire Alaska Flag Song and wonder why people from the lower 48s don’t know their state flag song.
When taking relatives to the Santa Claus House is about as fun as going to the dentist.
When half the town is involved in the Golden Days Parade and the other half watches..
When thermometers get stuck.
You never see your friends in the summer because they’ve dedicated their lives to serving tourists.
You think fireworks only happen at 40 below in January and never on the 4th of July (it's too light on the 4th of july! and people do fireworks on new year's and stuff and it's way cold then haha)
You went to the Ice Park for the twirly ice orbs
You think Chena Hot Springs as a resort destination
You’ll always know Jay Ramras as “Jay Bird”
You know what a Nanook is
You’re incredulous to discover that most people in the world suck-ass at driving in the snow. (heh i'm from texas :P)
You’ve been charged by a moose.
You’re scared to death of anyone touching your hair while at Chena Hot Springs in the dead -45 of winter.
You have to plug your car in if you leave it anywhere for more than a few hours. even so, you have to let your car warm up for about 15 minutes before you drive it. (i don't have a car..)
You can tell the temperature by the stiffness of your car’s extension cord.
When ‘Breakup’ is a season, not something you do with your boyfriend. (breakup a season? it happens when it gets warmer..)
You know that plugging in your car is not just for remote controlled toys.
And when it hits 10+ after -40 that means shorts and shirts. (someone at mom's work ALWAYS wears shorts..even at 40 below!)
all your furniture came from the transfer site (HAHAHAHA)

Pic of the day:

Today's stupidest quote:
Plaintiff's attorney: What doctor treated you for the injuries you sustained while at work?
Plaintiff: Dr. Johnson
Plaintiff's attorney: And what kind of physician is Dr. Johnson?
Plaintiff: Well, I'm not sure, but I do remember that you said he was a good plaintiff's doctor

lolz, fairbanks

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